Now we want to limit the ports of 2950 switch to certain bandwidth,such as 512K,1M,2M etc..,Input and/or Output direction,If we can do,how should we deal with?
This seems to be a popular question. First the 2950 must be 'enhanced image'. Also you can only regulate the input, not the output. The 10/100 ports can be regulated in one megabit increments, while the gbics are regulated in multiples of eight megabits
I am waiting on another thread to see if it is possible to prioritize traffic at the same time
class-map match-all match-any
match access-group 1
policy-map 8Mbps
class match-any
police 16000000 32768 exceed-action drop
interface FastEthernet0/24
description "customer downlink to LAN"
service-policy input 8Mbps
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
description "uplink to core router"
Notice I named it 8mbps though it is actually configured for 16mbits and 32k/megabit for bursting. Notice that 'match-any' is my class name, which is bad form as it is an IOS reserved word
BTW,I have see your question "Cisco Catalyst 2950G-24 Port EI Software priority rate-limit",I have a best ebook of QoS,maybe it can help u resolve this question,but I don't know how to send it to u,pls contact me
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