Please go to the above link to see problem. I have a problem with the final record, in the record set, displaying the detail text under the picture.It only seems to happen when there are not two records displaying next to each other.When you click on the image the details are displayed in the right hand side of the page in an IFRAME.
Here is the code I used ...
If Not abc.EOF Then abc.MoveFirst
col_ctr = 0 'not really necessary
sec_row = ""
Response.Write "<table width=300><tr><th colspan=""" & COL_COUNT & """></th></tr>"
Do Until abc.EOF
If col_ctr mod COL_COUNT = 0 Then
Response.Write "<tr>"
sec_row = "<tr>"
End If
Response.Write "<td align=center width=145 class=imageframe ><a target=frame href='dracaena_detail.asp?pic=" & abc("pic") & "'><img border=0 src='../upload/thumbs/" 'this is where border=0 should go but can not get my head around the syntax
If Trim(abc.Fields.Item("pic").Value) = "" Then
Response.Write "../upload/thumbs/image_1.jpg"
Else Response.Write abc.Fields.Item("pic").Value
End If
Response.Write "'></td>"
sec_row = sec_row & "<td class=greendata >" & abc("name") & "</td>"
If col_ctr mod COL_COUNT = COL_COUNT - 1 Then
Response.Write "</tr>"
Response.Write sec_row & "</tr>"
'Response.Write third_row & "</tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td> </td></tr>" 'blank row could format this
End If
'used to be: col_cnt = col_cnt + 1
col_ctr = col_ctr + 1
Response.Write "</table>"%>
Any ideas anybody ? Thanks !
Please go to the above link to see problem. I have a problem with the final record, in the record set, displaying the detail text under the picture.It only seems to happen when there are not two records displaying next to each other.When you click on the image the details are displayed in the right hand side of the page in an IFRAME.
Here is the code I used ...
If Not abc.EOF Then abc.MoveFirst
col_ctr = 0 'not really necessary
sec_row = ""
Response.Write "<table width=300><tr><th colspan=""" & COL_COUNT & """></th></tr>"
Do Until abc.EOF
If col_ctr mod COL_COUNT = 0 Then
Response.Write "<tr>"
sec_row = "<tr>"
End If
Response.Write "<td align=center width=145 class=imageframe ><a target=frame href='dracaena_detail.asp?pic=" & abc("pic") & "'><img border=0 src='../upload/thumbs/" 'this is where border=0 should go but can not get my head around the syntax
If Trim(abc.Fields.Item("pic").Value) = "" Then
Response.Write "../upload/thumbs/image_1.jpg"
Else Response.Write abc.Fields.Item("pic").Value
End If
Response.Write "'></td>"
sec_row = sec_row & "<td class=greendata >" & abc("name") & "</td>"
If col_ctr mod COL_COUNT = COL_COUNT - 1 Then
Response.Write "</tr>"
Response.Write sec_row & "</tr>"
'Response.Write third_row & "</tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td> </td></tr>" 'blank row could format this
End If
'used to be: col_cnt = col_cnt + 1
col_ctr = col_ctr + 1
Response.Write "</table>"%>
Any ideas anybody ? Thanks !