The latest piece of fun I'm having with DFS is that site awareness has gone completely out the window. I see on another website that this is symptomatic of clients not being able to see a local root replica in their own site, but have no idea why this should be - the replica is most definitely there and available. The only funny thing on my network I can think of that could be contributing to this is that we use a 22 bit netmask. Any ideas anybody?
The latest piece of fun I'm having with DFS is that site awareness has gone completely out the window. I see on another website that this is symptomatic of clients not being able to see a local root replica in their own site, but have no idea why this should be - the replica is most definitely there and available. The only funny thing on my network I can think of that could be contributing to this is that we use a 22 bit netmask. Any ideas anybody?