Ladies and gentlemen:
I have a form with a continuous subform linked to it which contains two controls, side by side. What I would like for Access to do is to not display any scroll bars on the subform unless the subform contains over 8 records linked to the particular record the main form is displaying (in which case vertical scroll bars should show up).
What I have set up right now is this code under the Main Form’s ‘Current’ event (abridged):
It works okay, but my question is: Do I need to run the extra query at all, or is there an easier way of determining how many records a subform contains (a property or something)? It seems to me that Access already ran a similar query to determine the records to show, and I’m just doing it again.
BONUS QUESTION: Is there a way to add vertical scroll bars to a subform by using VBA code in the main form? There doesn’t appear to be.
This code:
Me![Subform].ScrollBars = 2
Does not work in the main form, but if you place it in the subform like this:
Me.ScrollBars = 2
It does work. It’s not that big a deal to me, because I just have the main form call a procedure in the subform, but I’d kinda like to have it all in the main form. Is this possible?
Thanks for the time.
I have a form with a continuous subform linked to it which contains two controls, side by side. What I would like for Access to do is to not display any scroll bars on the subform unless the subform contains over 8 records linked to the particular record the main form is displaying (in which case vertical scroll bars should show up).
What I have set up right now is this code under the Main Form’s ‘Current’ event (abridged):
strSQL = "SELECT subrecord FROM subtable WHERE id = " & Nz(Me.txtTextbox.Value, 0)
rs.Open strSQL, cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
If rs.RecordCount > 8 Then ...
It works okay, but my question is: Do I need to run the extra query at all, or is there an easier way of determining how many records a subform contains (a property or something)? It seems to me that Access already ran a similar query to determine the records to show, and I’m just doing it again.
BONUS QUESTION: Is there a way to add vertical scroll bars to a subform by using VBA code in the main form? There doesn’t appear to be.
This code:
Me![Subform].ScrollBars = 2
Does not work in the main form, but if you place it in the subform like this:
Me.ScrollBars = 2
It does work. It’s not that big a deal to me, because I just have the main form call a procedure in the subform, but I’d kinda like to have it all in the main form. Is this possible?
Thanks for the time.