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Date into SQL from MySQL via linked server

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Apr 30, 2003
Hi chaps

I created a linked server within sql2000 to access data from a MySQL database. When the dates came across, they have a format of 13 digits that I cannot find anywhere on how to read it or how to convert it.

Please can somebody help I am a bit desperate as I've looked everywhere without any answers at all.

Here are some examples: 1170430556294 1126644967922 1126868785238

Appreciate your help.

when i run the code I get the following error message

Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'MySQL.information_schema.tables'.
>>when i run the code I get the following error message

Duh!, this was just an example that you could run on a SQL server box so that you could see how to construct the left join

so basically
select s.table_name from information_schema.tables s left outer join YourLinkedServerMySQLName.information_schema.tables m
on s.table_name = m.table_name
where m.table_name is null

of course you have to change YourLinkedServerMySQLName to your linked server name (probabaly needs to be 4 part)

Denis The SQL Menace
SQL blog:
then how can you get this error message?

Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'MySQL.information_schema.tables'.

what is the name of your linked server?

Denis The SQL Menace
SQL blog:
It is actually called MySQLServer

And this is what I run:

SELECT s.table_name
FROM information_schema.tables s left OUTER JOIN
MySQLServer.information_schema.tables m ON s.table_name = m.table_name
WHERE (m.table_name IS NULL)
do you not have to do:

SELECT     s.table_name
FROM         information_schema.tables s left OUTER JOIN
                      MySQLServer.MySQLDBName.information_schema.tables m ON s.table_name = m.table_name
WHERE     (m.table_name IS NULL
Where MySQLDBName is the database name you are trying to find the tables from?

This is actually for r937 but would be very grateful if other people could answer as well.

This code that r937 gave further up is as follow:

dateadd(s,1170430556294/1000,'1970-01-01') as t1
, dateadd(s,1126644967922/1000,'1970-01-01') as t2
, dateadd(s,1126868785238/1000,'1970-01-01') as t3

t1 t2 t3
2007-02-02 15:35:56 2005-09-13 20:56:07 2005-09-16 11:06:25

and it worked perfectly but I have also a 8 digit field, which I believe is hours minutes and second (16016000 - equivalent to 4hrs 26min).

My question is how can i convert it.

Thanks a lot

I can get it to 4 minutes 26 seconds, but not 4 hours.

Select Convert(Char(8),(dateadd(s,((16016000 / 1000)/60),'1970-01-01')),8)

Any further thoughts on where I may have gone wrong?
Seen on the front end 16016000 is actually equivalent to 4hrs 26mins

I wanted to ask why it is divided by 60? is that because 1hour=60mins?

I've got a different digit: 422611000 (shown as equal to 117hrs 23min) but when I use your code:

Select Convert(Char(8),(dateadd(s,((16016000 / 1000)/60),'1970-01-01')),8)

it gives 01:57:23 meaning 1day57hours23mins, which I dont believe is equal to 117hours 23mins. Am I going mad here?

Please help
OK, this is a little clumsy. You will have to substitute your variable for 422611000.
Select Hours = Cast((DatePart( dd, (Select dateadd(ms,422611000, '1969-12-31'))) * 24) 
+ (DatePart(hh, (Select dateadd(ms,422611000, '1969-12-31')))) As VarChar(16))
+ ':' +
Cast((DatePart(minute, (Select dateadd(ms,422611000, '1969-12-31')))) As VarChar(2))

Anyone have a better/cleaner way of doing this?
hiya there

It does not really matter in what format it appears even in day:hour:min as long as it can be used again for calculation.
If I follow your code:

Select Hours = Cast((DatePart( dd, (Select dateadd(ms,422611000, '1969-12-31'))) * 24)
+ (DatePart(hh, (Select dateadd(ms,422611000, '1969-12-31')))) As VarChar(16))
+ ':' +
Cast((DatePart(minute, (Select dateadd(ms,422611000, '1969-12-31')))) As VarChar(2))

the result will not be of datatype time and therefore I wont be able to manipulate it further.

The calculation I am trying to have is: there is a Service Agreement Level (SLA) of 8 hours for example and I would have to compare it with the time spent, which I am desperately trying to convert. I appreciate the 117:23 means 117hrs23mins but I cannot use it as a time as it's the combination of 4 parts including the colon :)) part.
Atiaran - If you modify this function to chop off the seconds, it will give you the format you want. (hh:mm). If you want to be able to include days, look in the FAQ's for this forum.

Also, I think you would benefit from reading this:
here is the function
CREATE  function SecToTime(@sec integer)
returns varchar(12)



declare @min integer, @hour integer, @time varchar(12), @dz char(2)

set @dz = '00'

If @sec >= 3600
    set @hour = (@sec / 3600)
    set @min = (@sec / 60) - (@hour * 60)
    set @sec = @sec - ((@min + (@hour * 60)) * 60)
    set @time = cast(@hour as varchar(6)) + ':' + 
        (right(@dz + cast(@min as varchar(2)), 2)) + 
        ':' + right(@dz + cast(@sec as varchar(2)), 2)
    set @min = @sec / 60
    set @sec = @sec - (@min * 60)
    set @time = cast(@min as varchar(2)) + ':' + 
        right(@dz + cast(@sec as varchar(2)), 2)

return @time


Call it like this:
select dbo.SecToTime(16016000/1000)

Hope it helps,


Ignorance of certain subjects is a great part of wisdom
In that case I suggest you do the following:

Convert your SLA times to minutes by multiplying them, by whatever it takes (60 if hours, 1440 if days) then comparing them with this:

Select TimeDiff = DateDiff(minute, '1970-01-01', (Select dateadd(ms,422611000, '1970-01-01')))

Remember to exchange your variable for 422611000
The above code will get the number of minutes associated with that figure.
Thank you very much everybody.

I really appreciate your help.

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