Just wondering if anyone knows if there's a way to force the LEDs at the top of the 1140 sets to flash in some sort of pattern. Our Help Desk techs use the blue tooth head sets with the 1140s and often customers and other techs do not know when they are on the phone. They placed a request with me, looking for some kind of indicator like "flashing LEDs" to identify them as on the phone.
Any help would be appreciated.
Just wondering if anyone knows if there's a way to force the LEDs at the top of the 1140 sets to flash in some sort of pattern. Our Help Desk techs use the blue tooth head sets with the 1140s and often customers and other techs do not know when they are on the phone. They placed a request with me, looking for some kind of indicator like "flashing LEDs" to identify them as on the phone.
Any help would be appreciated.