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CS1000 - Call Forward External - Desk 3904 to ATT CELL 2

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Technical User
Apr 22, 2009
I have a desk phone that has call forard external allowed
configured. When I have the user forward her desk phone
to a cell phone ( Verizon, Sprint) or home phone it fowards fine. However, when I have her forward to an
ATT cell phone I get "all circuits are busy 49".

I have been trying to reseach the error code but
to no avail.

I was wondering if it is a problem with the cell provider?
Or am I missing a configuration in the PBX that would limit
it to forward to ATT cell devices?

Any ideas?
1st hit the hard forward, when you get the telco message, call the same number from a phone and from a cell phone

Mato' Was'aka
We've run into a situation like this before but it was with Sprint/Qwest. Turns out that the two telco's involved did not have enough lines for the two to communicate reliably across in the cell tower facilities.. However ours was occasionaly a call would go through and that would be when a line cleared. Try dialing the number of the cell directly from a phone what do you get. If it rings sucessfully everytime then it is a different issue but I suspect its similar.
I have tried it from a cell and my desk phone when calling to her desk. I only receive the message when she is forwarded to an ATT device?
I tried calling from my cell and desk no problem.
I am having the wireless tech question ATT what the error code means.
Of course ATT will never admit it's their issue no matter what.
They never do its always our equipment never the circuit or the cell provider. I really dont worry about responsibilty. I just want it fixed. Not out to blame anyone.

The user is able to forward to other cell carrier devices and to her home. Just not to ATT wireless devices.
If you are using PRI's for your inbound / outbound trunks, and you have NCRD set to 'Yes' in the route data block, try setting it to 'No'. Sometimes the carrier freak out if they see Call Redirection messages coming from the PBX.
Thanks Allenmac. I will take a look at that.
I created a ticket with ATT the carrier, to see if they
have any restrictions. So I can check that in the meantime.

ATT is doing a call trap on the circuit to see what happens when she fowards her desk to her cell.
They still think its the PBX in our field office.
They got all circuits are busy.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
I received att message from the tester.
Stating that it is Netowrk Unavailable Congestion.
Error #42 Switching Equipment. So its not even
leaving our PBX.
But it works when forwarded to home or other carrier
cell devices.
Can you turn on D-Channel messaging and look at the D-channel messages that are being generated for this specific call?

You may need to test during low call volume hours in order to not get swamped with messages.
Yes I can? I may have to test with the person tomorrow.
She had left when I was testing with ATT.
So you verified you question that "All circuits are busy" tell ATT that it works fine with Sprint and Verizon and fix there trouble.

PerryPJ, I did tell ATT that. They stated when they did a call trap that it wasnt leaving our PBX. They got this
from the trap on both trunks.

Yeah I know its alot to look at. But this is what they sent.

================ ===============
Switch Transmits Switch Receives
================ ===============
Event 1 10/04/07 15:25:56 TEI 0
08 Q.931 Call Control Message
Call Reference Value Orig 356

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:27:01 220567 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 3

M 05 Message Type SETUP
I 04 Bearer Capability Length = 3
90 Coding Standard CCITT
Info Transfer Cap. 3.1 kHz Audio
90 Transfer Mode Circuit
Transfer Rate 64 kbit/s
A2 Layer 1 Protocol G.711 u-law
I 18 Channel Identification Length = 3
A9 Interface ID Implicitly Defined
Interface Type Primary
Preferred/Exclusive Exclusive
D Channel Indicator Not D Channel
Channel Selection As Indicated
83 Coding Standard CCITT

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:27:01 220568 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 4

Coding Type Number
Channel Type B Channel
81 Channel Number 1
I 1C Standard Facility Length = 21
9F Serv Discrim Networking Extensions
PDU Component Begins (hex)
I 6C Calling Party Number Length = 12
21 Type of Number National Number
Numbering Plan ISDN/Telephony E.164/E.163
80 Presentation Indicator Allowed
Screening Indicator User Provide, no Screen
Number 7323921419
I 70 Called Party Number Length = 5

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:27:01 220569 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 5

80 Type of Number Unknown Type
Numbering Plan Unknown Numbering Plan
Number 6837

Raw Hex Data
08 02 01 64 05 04 03 90 90 A2 18 03 A9 83 81 1C
15 9F 8B 01 00 A1 0F 02 01 01 06 07 2A 86 48 CE
15 00 04 0A 01 00 6C 0C 21 80 37 33 32 33 39 32
31 34 31 39 70 05 80 36 38 33 37
Event 2 10/04/07 15:25:57 TEI 0
08 Q.931 Call Control Message
Call Reference Value Dest

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:27:31 220574 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 6

M 5A Message Type RELEASE
I 08 Cause Length
= 2
81 Coding Standard
Location Local Private
AA Class Resource
Value #42, Switching Equipment

Raw Hex Data
08 02 81 64 5A 08 02 81 AA

Event 3 10/04/07 15:25:57 TEI 0

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:27:31 220575 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 7

08 Q.931 Call Control Message
Call Reference Value Orig 357
M 05 Message Type SETUP
I 04 Bearer Capability Length = 3
90 Coding Standard CCITT
Info Transfer Cap. 3.1 kHz Audio
90 Transfer Mode Circuit
Transfer Rate 64 kbit/s
A2 Layer 1 Protocol G.711 u-law
I 18 Channel Identification Length = 3
A9 Interface ID Implicitly Defined
Interface Type Primary
Preferred/Exclusive Exclusive
D Channel Indicator Not D Channel

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:27:32 220577 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 8

Channel Selection As Indicated
83 Coding Standard CCITT
Coding Type Number
Channel Type B Channel
81 Channel Number 1
I 1C Standard Facility Length = 21
9F Serv Discrim Networking Extensions
PDU Component Begins (hex)
I 6C Calling Party Number Length = 12
21 Type of Number National Number
Numbering Plan ISDN/Telephony E.164/E.163
80 Presentation Indicator Allowed
Screening Indicator User Provide, no Screen

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:27:32 220579 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 9

Number 7323921419
I 70 Called Party Number Length = 5
80 Type of Number Unknown Type
Numbering Plan Unknown Numbering Plan
Number 6837

Raw Hex Data
08 02 01 65 05 04 03 90 90 A2 18 03 A9 83 81 1C
15 9F 8B 01 00 A1 0F 02 01 01 06 07 2A 86 48 CE
15 00 04 0A 01 00 6C 0C 21 80 37 33 32 33 39 32
31 34 31 39 70 05 80 36 38 33 37
Event 4 10/04/07 15:25:57 TEI 0
08 Q.931 Call Control Message

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:27:32 220581 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 10

Call Reference Value Dest
M 5A Message Type RELEASE
I 08 Cause Length
= 2
81 Coding Standard
Location Local Private
AA Class Resource
Value #42, Switching Equipment

Raw Hex Data
08 02 81 65 5A 08 02 81 AA


S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:28:03 220586 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 11

Event 5 10/04/07 15:25:58 TEI 0
08 Q.931 Call Control Message
Call Reference Value Orig 358
M 05 Message Type SETUP
I 04 Bearer Capability Length = 3
90 Coding Standard CCITT
Info Transfer Cap. 3.1 kHz Audio
90 Transfer Mode Circuit
Transfer Rate 64 kbit/s
A2 Layer 1 Protocol G.711 u-law
I 18 Channel Identification Length = 3
A9 Interface ID Implicitly Defined
Interface Type Primary
Preferred/Exclusive Exclusive

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:28:03 220587 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 12

D Channel Indicator Not D Channel
Channel Selection As Indicated
83 Coding Standard CCITT
Coding Type Number
Channel Type B Channel
81 Channel Number 1
I 1C Standard Facility Length = 21
9F Serv Discrim Networking Extensions
PDU Component Begins (hex)
I 6C Calling Party Number Length = 12
21 Type of Number National Number
Numbering Plan ISDN/Telephony E.164/E.163
80 Presentation Indicator Allowed

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:28:03 220588 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 13

Screening Indicator User Provide, no Screen
Number 7323921419
I 70 Called Party Number Length = 5
80 Type of Number Unknown Type
Numbering Plan Unknown Numbering Plan
Number 6837

Raw Hex Data
08 02 01 66 05 04 03 90 90 A2 18 03 A9 83 81 1C
15 9F 8B 01 00 A1 0F 02 01 01 06 07 2A 86 48 CE
15 00 04 0A 01 00 6C 0C 21 80 37 33 32 33 39 32
31 34 31 39 70 05 80 36 38 33 37
Event 6 10/04/07 15:25:58 TEI 0

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:28:03 220589 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL IN PROGRESS SEGMENT 14

08 Q.931 Call Control Message
Call Reference Value Dest
M 5A Message Type RELEASE
I 08 Cause Length
= 2
81 Coding Standard
NYCQNYRPDS3 5e16(2) 02.00 ttyk-cdK TTY 10
------------------------- 120 - MESSAG

Location Local Private
AA Class Resource
Value #42, Switching Equipment

Raw Hex Data
08 02 81 66 5A 08 02 81 AA

S2C4-28573876 10-04-07 15:28:03 220590 MAINT NYCQNYRPDS3 M DUMP FILE ALL COMPLETED SEGMENT 15


* End of Protocol Monitoring Session *

ATT stated to do a call trace, so I am going to do that shortly from our pbx with the user.
It has to be leaving the switch if you are getting that recording, if it didn't leave you would get a fast busy from the switch

LD 21
Req: PRT
Type: RDR

look at Options - should see either CFF or CFO - if CFO change to CFF

If CFF - Check NCOS on phone is able to dial ATTT Cell Phone

Also - can you post DCHannel Message with error.
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