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Creating a Navigation tree 1

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Technical User
Jul 8, 2003
Hi I am currently creating a system that requires a navigation tree/bar on the LHS of the form. I want it to take the form of a tree that can be expanded and minimised by clicking on (+) and (-) signs.

The hierachical structure will be:

A project has a number of registers, each register has a number of issues.

Click on the project and it expands out all the registers
Click on the register and it expands out all the issue ID's.

The user then clicks on the Issue ID to view/edit and delete details within the main form.

How can the navigation tree be created?

Have you considered the Treeview Control?
can you please explain the treeview control and how it can be implemented. i.e is it hardcoded in oir can a wizard be used to create it.

I have the following tables, IssueRegister and Issues

IssueRegister has following fields (IRID (PK), Name....)
Issue has following fields (IssueID (PK), IRID (FK)....)

How do I code a tree to show IssueRegister Name and then the issues when the tree is expanded when clicking on the register.


(+) HR Register
(+) Payroll Register
(+) Marketing Register

then when I click on HR Register
(-) HR Register

Help would be greatly appreciated as I have hit new territoty.


This is adapted from thread702-879892 and tested on Microsoft Treeview Control v.6

Function BuildTreeSimple()
    Dim rsRegister As DAO.Recordset
    Dim rsIssue As DAO.Recordset

    Dim nodTable As Node
    Dim nodField As Node
    Set rsRegister = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("IssueRegister")
    Do While Not rsRegister.EOF()
        Set nodTable = tvwTreeView.Nodes.Add(, , "a" & rsRegister!IRID, rsRegister![RegisterName])
        Set rsIssue = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * From Issue Where IRID=" & rsRegister!IRID)
        Do While Not rsIssue.EOF()
            Set nodField = tvwTreeView.Nodes.Add(nodTable, tvwChild, "b" & rsIssue!IssueID, rsIssue!Issue)
End Function

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

You will need to set some properties of the control.
Style : 6 tvwTreelinesPlusMinusText
LineStyle : 1 tvwRootlines
I have set the above code for a risk register but i get a runtime error 424 Object Required Error: on the line nodtable =....

Function BuildTreeSimple()
Dim rsRegister As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsRisk As DAO.Recordset

Dim nodTable As Node
Dim nodField As Node

Set rsRegister = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Register")

Do While Not rsRegister.EOF()
Set nodTable = tvwTreeView.Nodes.Add(, , "a" & rsRegister!RegisterID, rsRegister![RegName])
Set rsRisk = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * From Risk Where RegisterID=" & rsRegister!RegisterID)
Do While Not rsRisk.EOF()

Set nodField = tvwTreeView.Nodes.Add(nodTable, tvwChild, "b" & rsRisk!RiskID, rsRisk!RiskTitle)
End Function
Did you create a treeview control named tvwTreeView ?

Hope This Helps, PH.
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What is the name of your treeview control? In my test, the control was called tvwTreeView.
Dough, Just renamed the control...I am jumping with joy.

Does this mean that if I click on the risk I can have a form refresh using the risk ID to pull up the details.

The ID has an 'a' attached, treeview seems to insist on an alpha, so you will need to do a little coding to get this to work or, perhaps, change the control a bit.
There are 3 levels that the register can sit in:

Level 1 - Strategic, Level 2 - Business, Level 3 - Project.

The level table has PK LevelID and each register has a fk Level ID. How can this be encorporated to the above code so the tree shows:


Thank you.
The second link in my original post shows three levels.
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