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Technical User
Mar 31, 2001
Got he new HDD from Fujitzu Siemens in the post, fault still exsists!!!! Aghhh!!!

Still open to ideas...please



Here is the latest on the CRASH repairs as at: 02 Apr 01

After talking to the computer service hotline, he advised the following over the phone. This advice came with a personal guarantee to fix the fault:

1. Boot PC from the CD
2. Start PC with CD ROM support
3. On the “A” prompt type “D:”
4. Then enter “CD WIN98”
5. Then enter “FORMAT C: /U /Q”
6. The following is then displayed – All data will be lost. I enter Yes.
7. The following is then displayed:

a. Checking existing disk format
b. Quick formatting 14,59,78 m
c. Recording current bad clusters
d. Complete
e. Format complete
f. Writing out file allocation table
g. Complete
h. Calculating free space (this may take several minutes)
i. Complete
j. Enter volume label or press return – I pressed return
k. 14,581.52 mb total disk space
l. 14,581.52 mb available on disk
m. 8,192 bytes in each allocation unit
n. 1,866.434 allocation units available on disk

8. On the D prompt I then entered “setup” .
9. The D Drive then started the setup from the Win98 CD
10. Setup ran the scandisk program
11. Then the screen showed the Win98 intro screen and highlighted the “preparing to run Windows 98 setup” in the left hand margin
12. Then it highlights the “collecting information about your computer”
13. When I select Next the screen then brings up the old error messages starting with the “SUWIN” error message.

So the personal guarantee was not appreciated at all. Naturally when I rang back I got the message that I was calling out of hours, typical!!!

I am concerned about the “Recording current bad clusters” message, does anyone know what this might mean? The expert on the phone seemed to think that the problem was due to an error remaining on the PC and his advice would ensure that it would be properly formatted. Well that was the idea anyway.

I have run Microsoft Scandisk and Nortons Diskdoctor but neither of them have detected any problems.

I have removed the new RAM that I bought but no change.

Advice on what might solve this ongoing drama is always appreciated. To all those that have already gave their advice, I am sincerely grateful and thankful to this forum for helping me.

Fingers crossed




The latest that I have done to try and sort my problem out:

Well I have taken the case off and had a good look inside. I have taken out the Graphics card and then re-seated it. I have removed the RAM, swapped them over and reinserted them. I have also disconnected the CD ROM drives apart from the one I need.

After a deep pause I switched it all back on. I went through the normal stages of promise leading me right up to the Start copying files bit but with a big whack in the face I received another message. This one read:


SUWIN caused a general protection fault in module SETUPX.DLL at 0004:5A54

Occasionally I am also getting the following message:


An application used a true type font that caused an error in windows. Quit all apps and restart Blah…Blah…. Blah..

Now before I have to take this horrible computer to the people that will rip me off, can anyone please help me to try and diagnose this damn thing? Any help will be really grateful.

Help Help Help Help!!!!


Old Message:
Please help, it wont start!!!

I came accross my PC the other night and found it black screen not responding.

No matter what I did I had no response. I tried to restart the machine but then it just wouldn’t.

After doing everything I finally went for the big one and did the FDISK, format and reinstall of W98.

The FDISK went well and when I went for the Re-install it led me straight to the Format, which also went well.

The setup disk then scanned my system and came up with no faults.

It was only when I went into the W98 setup screen that everything went wrong.

Straight away I get a pop up message saying:


W98SETUP caused a general protection fault in module GDI.exe at 0001:5048

I then clicked the close button which led to the following message:


W98SETUP caused a general protection fault in module USER.exe at 0001:40B6

Once again I click close which causes a black screen and a message saying:

Standard mode: Bad fault in MS-DOS extender. Fault: 000D stack dump: 0000 0000 0070 Raw fault frame : EC=0000 IP=5EF7 CS=03AF FL=3087 SP=FFEE SS=030F, Please remove any floppies and restart your machine.

But when I do I end up back at square one, all over again!?

I can’t reinstall my software And I think I have tried everything. Is there anyone out there who can help? Please!!!! What is wrong with my machine?

Many Thanks

Firstly this sounds like a RAM issue. Does the installation work with just one of your DIMMs installed? (you can always add the other one(s) later).

Second: Bad clusters aren't caused by any PC component other than the disk or subcomponents thereof, so your expert is somewhat inaccurate. The recording of bad clusters is a standard precaution, ie bad clusters will be recorded, even if the number is 0. It's when a figure is reported by the utility that you may be having issues.

Third: Try carving the disk into partitions, since the BIOS on your PC may have issues with a disk being above a certain size. I have seen bad cluster reports appear as a result of attempting to install onto partitions greater than the BIOS can handle.

My recommendation would be to try creating the primary partition as 4Gb, and dealing with the remainder when you have a working system.

Good luck - I hope this helps
I may of stumbled accross something.

I have gone into the BIOS and disabled Internal Cache and then run setup.

It is painfully slow but it seems to be loading W98, but at a snails pace. I have so far not received any error messages. Does this indicate anything to you at all?

Thanks for your help up to now


ps: so far I am up to 7% with no crash. Taking ages though.

I am wondering what Operating System are u using? Also maybe your cpu's cache been killed, i had some problem like that too. One way to test it is to disable the cpu cache in the bios and check. IF it let you install then you gotta get a new cpu. Cuz that's what happen, i burned my cache inside my cpu. Also you sure D drive is your cdrom? Maybe the files in the D drive was corrupted. But it sounds like a Ram problem, Try getting ram from a friend, from a WORKING PC and check.

I am using Win98 SE.

I have left my machine with the CPU Internal Cache disabled and the OS seems to be installing. The problem is that it has taken over one hour just to reach 28%!!!

What is the Internal Cache function and does this point to a CPU failure? I have an Athlon 700Mhz Processor. It is about 1 year old.

Is my CPU to blame?

Internal cache (in simple terms) allows the CPU to cache datum before they are processed. The larger the cache, the faster the CPU runs. Some CPUs have little or no cache. That is the big difference between Pentium and Celeron processors. I personally have had little problems with Athlon processors but it possible that something has caused a problem with yours. Heat and static electricity are two very common problems.
James P. Cottingham

did you try to overclock the cpu ? But it does seem to be the same problem as what i was experiencing, this is the best way to solve it, buy a new Athlon 700 CPU. You can get fairly cheap now... but make sure if it's slot or socket version. You should also check how fast can your motherboard support up to that way you can just upgrade the cpu. I replace the cpu and my computer is back to normal. My cpu busted because i was trying to overclock it. if you find my post to be very helpful, then can you give me a star? Thanks.


before you go off to buy a new cpu, try leaving the case open, or get a big fan and blow on it, and reenable the cpu cache and see if it installs...

the cache is a piece of memory inside the cpu which let the cpu cache information faster rather then go all the way to the ram, which will slow down the computer. Cache is a Very fast memory that reside in the cpu.

the fastest memory is registers
then it's the L1 cache,
then it's the L2 cache,
and it's the L3 cache if any,
and then it's the RAM
and then it's the Hard Drive.

Registers, L1, L2 cache usually reside inside the CPU.

If it can't install then, you have to buy a new cpu...you either burn it or you static electric it to death.

Also you should see if your cpu fan is working......i might be a heat problem too. but we know it's the cache problem now..


i used to have same problem with a Globwin FOP32-1 before, so it wasn't a heat problem with artic silver.
If you still have the clean drive try fdisk /mbr
This will wipe the Master boot record. The mbr is not deleted during a format or fdisk. If it has been corrupted you need to wipe it out.after you do this then try the installation.
it's not the mbr, because it works after you disable cache. oh yeah, thanks for the star :) If you need more help, just ask.

I havent overclocked and the fan sounds to be working.

With regards to formatting etc.. I now have a brand new HDD installed so all old records are now sitting on my bedroom floor in a box ready to be returned.

With the Cache disabled I am now past the enter product key stage on the setup but it is all going so slow I feel I am 80 years older!!! When will this setup ever end. My plan is to get it setup and then RE enable the CPU Internal Cache and then see what happens. But at this rate it wont be for a while yet.

so i guess you gotta replace the cpu....

it's only 64 dollrs on pricewatch.

for 700 althon.
I am awaiting the Fujitzu Siemens Technician who is scheduled to visit, I hope. They have posted a new CPU to my address so that it is here in time for him to try out. Are the Athloh processors awkward to instal, is there a knack I should be aware of as I predict if it arrives much before him well I will just have to give it a go.

well since you are using a althon slot A, it isn't that hard...it should be fairly easy. Try taking out the CPu from your currently computer and play around with it...but look for the hingles that binds the cpu to the motherboard, Also you have to take out the fan and heatsink...cuz when you order it from pricewatch, i think it doesn't come with a fan...since the cpu is broken anyway, you can play around with it...don't be afraid of breakin it cuz it's broken :p...just becareful with the motherboard tho.

It seems to me, you guys may have found the problem. Possibly a bad cpu. I can tell you this, today in my computer store, i had the same problems "invalid true type font" , weird errors, right before, windows started to do the installing. It took me about 10 mins to figure out it was one of the dimms in the pc that were acting up. I changed cpu's, and other things, but soon as i changed the memory, all is fixed. Sometimes, changing things in the bios will help a problem, releaving some stress on other parts, but in this particular issue i had today, it was memory.
The story continues...

Windows installed, with only a few error messages, but nothing that stopped the process. After several very long reboots I finally had a desktop on my monitor again!!! The trouble being was that it was as slow as a Scotsman giving out change to a beggar.

Well with this install nearly successful I rebooted, went into BIOS, and selected to save FAILSAFE settings. With the BIOS at default I rebooted the system.

Well it just stayed in the black dos screen mode and failed to load in either normal or safe mode. I received a message simillar to:


(Translated from German)

This message was displayed for a few minutes and then the system automatically shut down, switched off and gave me the finger! I had failed again.

I know I have the Technician coming around who will no doubt diagnose by exchange, but it would of been so great to of diagnosed it myself. (Its a pride thing). Unfortunately I feel just sitting back and waiting for that ever so long awaited appointment is the only solution.

Now before I forget I want to make one thing perfectly clear, I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to help me with this Crash. Over the past week I have learnt so much and I owe it totally to all the patient visitors to this great forum. Thank you.

But I'm not giving up yet...... :)

Well the new CPU has arrived.

Being an observant kind of person I have noticed that the NEW one has TWO fans fiited to it instead of the lonely one I have on the back of my current CPU. Is there a reason for this, is this a modification for a common heat fault?

It also leaves me with only one power plug for two fans? My current one only has one power supply which plugs into the MOBO, but on the new CPU where does the 2nd fan power supply plug in to?

I have been told by Fujitzu Siemens that the local firm has been tasked with the contract to come around but after king to the small firm they reckon they are dead busy blah.. blah... blah....

I am, being a bit of a doer, keen to get this sorted before the Easter break so I am interested to find out the following:

1. What is the procedure for removing the old CPU? (how do you get it out, feels firmly fitted and not sure how it is secured)

2. Whare do I power up the second fan?

The new CPU has arrived complete with a heatsink and fans and looks ready to plug and play, but I dont want to take too many uninformed chances if I can help it.

I also noticed that the serial numbers on the two CPU's are different:



It seems obvious, but am I getting a faster CPU?

Thanks again Forum


removing the cpu from the computer shouldn't be too hard...since it does come with a fan you don't need to remove the fan from the old one. Usually when the cpu have two fans, and there is only 1 plug, the fan is already linked up to each other, that means you don't need to connect a second plug...just plug in that 1 plug and it should active both fan. By the look of the cpu, it look like you got a 800 mhz cpu instead of the 700 cpu...when you go something like that, you would require to look at your motherboard bios, because some motherboard require you to reset some jumpers...usually cpu speed are rated by two things..the bus speed and the mutlipler. for example if you have a pentium 3 cpu with 100 bus speed and a multipler of 8 that will be a 800 mhz cpu (100*8). What kinda of motherboard is your motherboard? Also the cpu you got, it should be a Slot A. which means it plugs down onto the motherboard and it look like a small box. while a socket A is like a flat square. For slot A there should be hings that hold down the cpu...so you should remove the hings and then hold the two hings on top of the cpu and pull it up.

I have had a look at the CPU and the fans unfortunately are not connected. Is it just a simple case of splicing the wires together to run both fans?

The PC itself is a Fujitzu Siemens Xpert 9101. The MOBO is a Microstar - model MS 6191? A very cheap and cheerful type with very limited upgrade possiblities. I have had a look for the jumpers but nothing obvious standing out. My last PC had switches which came in very handy for overclocking but this one is just being typically awkward.

All the docs for the PC were provided via "On-line", which you can read after you have installed the drivers, Doh! If I ever get this up and running I reckon I will be doing a docs backup. Hind sight is great eh!

You mentioned about the CPU removal and the catches. What is the correct way of getting it out though. I have the type you mention but I am not familliar with the securing device holding it in.

Yours gratefully again


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