I bought a Chaintech Motherboard 7NJS-Zenith, and an AMD XP 2700+. I as well bought a Thermaltake 10+ fan which has a copper Heatsync and supports up to the 3400+.. I have set my CPU FSB to 166mhz in my BIOS, and my computer is reporting to me that my CPU is running between 54c-59c.. I don't understand why the CPU would be running so hot when it's not even overclocked... I've tried using both CPU Heatsync fans, (one being the stock fan, and the other the Volcano 10) and between the two, the CPU still runs at the same temp...I'm wondering do you think the probe on my motherboard is shot? I mean I don't understand it... Very strange.. Oh I forgot to mention the CPU fan is spinning at approx 5000rpm as well.. And feedback is appreciated.