I set up a Hotline number which diverts to a digital extension and then to a Hotline Vdn number.
The divert to the Vdn occurs but cuts out immediately.
Ive been told its becuase its not possible to cover to a cover path on the Vdn?
Any ideas?
Thanks for your reply
I set up a Hotline number(abdial) which diverts to a normal station and then diverts to the VDN Hotline on no answer, but it cuts out as soon as it diverts.
You should be able to establish a coverage path on the extension you are calling and cover to a VDN. Then the VDN points to a vector to do what you need to accomplish. If you are having problems try logging in to CM via ASA by using the emulation command line portion of ASA, not GEDI. Then do a list trace on you phone and call the extenstion and see what happens when it goes to coverage. It should lead you to where you are failing.
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