first question, we have an old meridian max system btw, when i login to the mte software (v.8.11) i enter the supervisor id (no password is set), that lets me view queues, agents logged in etc, im trying to get into the system administration mode option #13...and it asks me for a password... i have no idea what this is...
i have administrative/console access to the main terminal, is there anyway to set or reset this from there, or obtain this... i have lots of passwords lying around but none of them appear to work, i've also tried some defaults...
second question, we have a supervisor who wants to access the mte program remotely from his home to monitor certain agents actions... mte works fine/connects from within our lan, but outside i've tried via my high speed net connection and it jus comes back with a connection refused, is there something somewhere that's prohibiting connections from outside of our class c ? the company that handles our pbx issues, that i cant handle, tells me there isnt anything, if it works inside it should work outside our network has to be something blocked on a firewall/router... we dont have a firewall, but we do block icmp (ping packets) router level due to viruses...would that have any effect?
thanks for any information anybody is able to provide to me in advance.