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Corrupt error while backup 1

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Feb 25, 2003
Just recently I have been getting a status of failed on my nightly backups. Here is the following log information that I get:

Media Name: "Media created 8/20/2002 12:46:56 PM"
Backup of "\\MAIL\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group "
Backup set #2 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "HS Daily Backup"
Backup Type: FULL - Database & Logs (flush committed logs)
Backup started on 2/24/2003 at 11:31:13 PM.
Access denied to database .
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
WARNING: "Mailbox Store (MAIL)" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Log files

Backup completed on 2/24/2003 at 11:46:23 PM.
Backed up 2 Exchange Server store(s)
Backed up Exchange Server logs
1 corrupt file was backed up
Processed 1,957,929,872 bytes in 15 minutes and 10 seconds.
Throughput rate: 123.1 MB/min

I am running this backup exec ver. 8.6 on windows 2000 small business and exchange 2000. Any help would be appreciated.
I have exactly the same error...Not sure what it is though and I also need some desperate help.
You need to do one of two things. Install OFO the open file option if you have not already. Second uncheck verify backup. This is uncessary. Also Backup Exec will show your backup job as red/failed if one file is not verified. I stopped verifying my Exchange backups a long time ago. I even restored a 33 GByte production infostore from a backup job that was not verified. Remeber it is not the backup job itself that is failing, just the verification process.
Hope this helps you out.
Holy crap, I can't believe that last post...

1.The verify is absolutely essential.
2. OFO cannot backup transactional databases, like Exchange, SQL, Oracle.
Unbelievable. Do not listen to ZmanS1!!!

Without a verify w/checksums, there is no guarantee that you have anything on the tape that can be read. Thats right, the verify in combination with the writing of checksums compares the data written to the tape from start of backup to end. If checksums don't match, it is then very possible that the data on the tape is unreadable. Wow.

Next, there is a possibility that the Exchange IS is corrupt. Check your App logs in Event Viewer for problems. I would also run a local backup of Exchange using NTBackup. If it reports problems, then you got problems with that Exchange IS. Be sure to specify a verify in NTBackup as it is not set by default.

Good luck.
So what happens if the IS is corrupt? What steps would I have to take to fix this problem? Thanks for the info.
First of all OFO is more brick level backups, Veritas even recommends using OFO. #2, Backup Execs verify process works great for file backups, but never, ever worked properly for Exchange 5.5. Exchange 2000 yes. Since I always recieved this error in Exhcnage 5.5 I stop verifying. And oh yes, after an IS crash of a production Exchange 5.5 server, total downtime was only 2 hours and 40 minutes when everyone expected at least one day. have you ever done a production restore of and Exchnage 5.5 server Qdog?

Sorry if I was rather blunt and downright rude in my previous post. There was no excuse for it.
Yes, I have done restores of production Exch 5.5 and 2k, both suck. 2K is the worst, usually wind up with MS on the phone with you.

OFO is for open Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, Access databases or Outlook .pst files left open by users. There is no way it can backup Exchange files. In addition, using OFO on the file system where Exchange files are installed can corrupt the Exchange databases. You should deselect the directories where Exchange files are located in OFO backups. You don't want to try restoring Exchange from a file backup that used OFO, its nuts. Try it on a test box if you don't believe me.

The verify process does not verify data on the tape against the data on the harddrive, just to be clear. All it does is verify that data on the tape is readable. This is an important distinction and Veritas support will tell you that w/o a verify, there is no guarantee that data on the tape is viable and can be read.

What happens if the IS is corrupt? Need to examine the Exch srvr's Application log for event/errors and compare event id codes to Q-articles on MS knowledgebase. I would run a local backup of Exchange using NTBackup on the Exchange server itself. If that bombs out with errors about IS corruption, you got problems brother.

Do other backups bomb out during the verify process? If you get CRC errors or other errors during verify of other backups, check your System log in Event Viewer for event id's 7, 9, 11, 15 with a source of Scsi HBA or tape drive. These indicate hardware problems. If CRC errors are occurring, they indicate hardware problems with tape drive.

Take care.
I get a similar error on my Directory store and Info store.
Here is my log file:

Job server: PEGASUS
Job name: Backup 0002
Job started: Thursday, September 25, 2003 at 1:59:48 PM
Job type: Backup
Job Log: BEX21.txt

Drive and media information from media mount:
Robotic Library Name:
Drive Name: SEAGATE 1
Slot: 0
Media GUID: {677D48E9-B062-451D-9569-14D87EC603FD}
Media Label: 000107L1
Overwrite Protection Time Left: Infinite
Append Time Left: Infinite
Targeted Media Set Name: Media Set 1

Job Operation - Backup
Media operation - overwrite.
Hardware compression enabled.

Media Name: "Media created 9/25/2003 01:59:48 PM"
Backup of "\\PEGASUS\Microsoft Exchange Directory "
Backup set #1 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Backup 0002"
Backup Type: FULL - Database & Logs (flush committed logs)
Backup started on 9/25/2003 at 2:00:09 PM.
The Exchange Store service is not responding. Backup set canceled.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
WARNING: "Directory" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Backup completed on 9/25/2003 at 2:00:17 PM.
Backed up 1 Exchange Server store(s)
1 corrupt file was backed up
Processed 10,494,034 bytes in 8 seconds.
Throughput rate: 75.1 MB/min

Media Name: "Media created 9/25/2003 01:59:48 PM"
Backup of "\\PEGASUS\Microsoft Exchange Information Store "
Backup set #2 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Backup 0002"
Backup Type: FULL - Database & Logs (flush committed logs)
Backup started on 9/25/2003 at 2:00:17 PM.
The Exchange Store service is not responding. Backup set canceled.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
WARNING: "Information Store" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Backup completed on 9/25/2003 at 2:00:28 PM.
Backed up 1 Exchange Server store(s)
1 corrupt file was backed up
Processed 167,788,710 bytes in 11 seconds.
Throughput rate: 872.8 MB/min

Job ended: Thursday, September 25, 2003 at 2:00:38 PM
Job completion status: Failed
Anyone reading this post, I state the following:-

DO NOT, and I mean DO NOT use OFO to backup your Exchange databases - Veritas do not support Exchange being backed up with OFO, no one does.
You cannot do a brick level backup of Exchange with OFO.
The only way to safely backup Exchange of any version is to do one of 2 things..
1. Use the Exchange Option to backup the databases online - if you are using circular logging, it will truncate the logs after a full or incremental backup of the Exchange stores.
2. Do a flat file backup of Exchange - stop all the Exchange services and then backup the Exchange databases - only use this option if.. 1. You are using circular logging and you can afford downtime and 2. If you are doing a server migration or a disk swap on the server exchange is on.

Now the question why shouldn't I use OFO to backup the Exchange databases?

1. If you have a very busy Exchange server, you most probably will never be able to get quiet time.
2. If you are not using circular logging, the logs will never ever be truncated, they will grow and grow and grow, filling up your disk.
3. In backup Exec 8.6, OFO takes snapshots of the drives separately - what this means is, if you have your logs on a different drive to the IS stores, the data will be inconsistent and absolutely no use to you in a restore situation.

You have to remember that the backup is not actually done by backup exec, or any other backup program, it is in fact done by ESE and the data is passed back to the Backup program.

Finally, a restore of Exchange of any version is quite a simple thing to do, just as long as you follow the correct procedures and you have a good backup - if you want procedures, check the MS website for them.

Exchange 2000, is actually quite easier to restore than 5.5, as you don't have to worry about restoring the Directory as well as the IS.

Now about the verify error's -

hsock and Omar - check out this technote - See if it helps.
Hi justin2000

I am not running Exchange 2000, I am running 5.5 on windows 2000 server with service pack 4 and backup exec 8.6. I have disabled the OFO from the backup and it still fails.

I have run a back up using NTBackup and it also fails. The event viewer reads as follows:
Event ID: 8010
Source : NTBackup
Microsoft Exchange services returned 'access is denied' from a call to "BackupOpen()'additional data \\Pegasus\D$\exchsrvr\MDBDATA\\edb0005A.log'

My backup fails also. Can anyone point me in the write direction??

My backup fails each time and takes absolutely ages to complete. Below is a copy of the log file.

Job server: UKGEXCHANGE01
Job name: Monday -- Full
Job started: Monday, September 29, 2003 at 10:00:06 PM
Job type: Backup
Job Log: BEX44.txt

Drive and media information from media mount:
Robotic Library Name:
Drive Name: DELL 2
Slot: 0
Media GUID: {95CC16BA-980B-4BE3-83E4-5A0F684C6B87}
Media Label: DLT000015
Overwrite Protection Time Left: None
Append Time Left: Infinite
Targeted Media Set Name: Media Set 1

Job Operation - Backup
Media operation - overwrite.
Software compression enabled.
Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: "Media created 8/7/2003 09:32:24 AM"
Backup of "\\UKGAPP01\D$ Default share"
Backup set #1 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Monday -- Full"
Backup Type: FULL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/29/2003 at 10:30:31 PM.
File "UKGAPP01.lck" in use - Backed up.
File "LAST_SEG.LOG" in use - Backed up.

Backup completed on 9/29/2003 at 10:33:19 PM.
Backed up 1851 files in 165 directories.
2 files were in use
Processed 795,491,441 bytes in 2 minutes and 48 seconds.
Throughput rate: 270.9 MB/min
Software compression ratio: 1.7:1
Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: "Media created 8/7/2003 09:32:24 AM"
Backup of "\\UKGBDC01\C$ Default share"
Backup set #2 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Monday -- Full"
Backup Type: FULL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/29/2003 at 10:33:21 PM.
File "dns.log" in use - Backed up.

Backup completed on 9/29/2003 at 10:33:27 PM.
Backed up 56 files in 6 directories.
1 file was in use
Processed 127,091 bytes in 6 seconds.
Throughput rate: 1.2 MB/min
Software compression ratio: 2.9:1
Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: "Media created 8/7/2003 09:32:24 AM"
Backup of "\\UKGBDC01\D$ Default share"
Backup set #3 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Monday -- Full"
Backup Type: FULL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/29/2003 at 10:33:27 PM.

Backup completed on 9/29/2003 at 10:33:33 PM.
Backed up 0 files in 4 directories.
Processed 4,604 bytes in 6 seconds.
Throughput rate: 0.0 MB/min
Software compression ratio: 9.8:1
Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: "Media created 8/7/2003 09:32:24 AM"
Backup of "\\UKGBDC02\C$ Default share"
Backup set #4 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Monday -- Full"
Backup Type: FULL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/29/2003 at 10:33:34 PM.
File "dns.log" in use - Backed up.

Backup completed on 9/29/2003 at 10:33:40 PM.
Backed up 56 files in 6 directories.
1 file was in use
Processed 200,986 bytes in 6 seconds.
Throughput rate: 1.9 MB/min
Software compression ratio: 4:1
Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: "Media created 8/7/2003 09:32:24 AM"
Backup of "\\UKGBDC02\D$ Default share"
Backup set #5 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Monday -- Full"
Backup Type: FULL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/29/2003 at 10:33:41 PM.

Backup completed on 9/29/2003 at 10:33:47 PM.
Backed up 0 files in 4 directories.
Processed 4,604 bytes in 6 seconds.
Throughput rate: 0.0 MB/min
Software compression ratio: 7.9:1

Media Name: "Media created 8/7/2003 09:32:24 AM"
Backup of "\\UKGEXCHANGE01\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes "
Backup set #6 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Monday -- Full"
Backup Type: FULL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/29/2003 at 10:33:47 PM.
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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Access denied to file ?Derek Bristow [dbristow]?Top of Information Store?Outbox?FW: FormulationsExSPI_030731.xls.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Unable to open the item Derek Bristow [dbristow]?Top of Information Store?Outbox?FW: FormulationsExSPI_030731.xls - skipped.
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Unable to open the item Helga Dekempeneer [hdekempeneer]?Top of Information Store?Postvak IN?Fwd: 1.95% Interest Rate For Home Loans - skipped.
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Unable to open the item Helga Dekempeneer [hdekempeneer]?Top of Information Store?Postvak IN?RE:lilian Bulker CD scn - skipped.
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Unable to open the item Helga Dekempeneer [hdekempeneer]?Top of Information Store?Postvak IN?Take advantage of falling interest rates - skipped.
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Access denied to file ?Marie Jose Bonnet [mbonnet]?Top of Information Store?Boîte de réception?Mortgage Rates Are At an All Time Low .
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Unable to open the item Michelle Chimenti [mchimenti]?Top of Information Store?Inbox?Mortgage Rates Are At an All Time Low - skipped.
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Unable to open the item Mike Ricketts [mricketts]?Top of Information Store?Inbox?[ftooc] Essex meet 5th October ! - skipped.
Access denied to file ?Miranda van der Waal [mvanderwaal]?Top of Information Store?Deleted Items?Grote opruiming van PC's en randapparatuur bij NTS Computers..
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Directory not found. Can not backup directory ?Muriel Esnault [mbenigni] and its subdirectories.
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Unable to open the item Olivier Vilcot [ovilcot]?Top of Information Store?Inbox?Mortgage Rates Are At an All Time Low - skipped.
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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Directory not found. Can not backup directory ?Urban Carlsson [ucarlsson] and its subdirectories.

Backup completed on 9/30/2003 at 4:00:55 AM.
Backed up 278372 mail message(s) in 5163 folder(s) in 183 mailbox(es)
3 corrupt files were backed up
143 items were skipped.
Processed 17,790,088,103 bytes in 5 hours, 27 minutes, and 8 seconds.
Throughput rate: 51.9 MB/min
Software compression ratio: 1.4:1

Media Name: &quot;Media created 8/7/2003 09:32:24 AM&quot;
Backup of &quot;\\UKGEXCHANGE01\Microsoft Information Store\Europe &quot;
Backup set #7 on storage media #1
Backup set description: &quot;Monday -- Full&quot;
Backup Type: FULL - Database & Logs (flush committed logs)
Backup started on 9/30/2003 at 4:00:57 AM.
Log files

Backup completed on 9/30/2003 at 5:23:26 AM.
Backed up 2 Exchange Server store(s)
Backed up Exchange Server logs
Processed 17,118,175,904 bytes in 1 hour, 22 minutes, and 29 seconds.
Throughput rate: 197.9 MB/min
Software compression ratio: 1.4:1
Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: &quot;Media created 8/7/2003 09:32:24 AM&quot;
Backup of &quot;\\UKGFS01\D$ Default share&quot;
Backup set #8 on storage media #1
Backup set description: &quot;Monday -- Full&quot;
Backup Type: FULL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/30/2003 at 5:23:51 AM.

Drive and media information from media mount:
Robotic Library Name:
Drive Name: DELL 2
Slot: 0
Media GUID: {95CC16BA-980B-4BE3-83E4-5A0F684C6B87}
Media Label: DLT000015
Overwrite Protection Time Left: None
Append Time Left: Infinite
Targeted Media Set Name: Media Set 1
The media provided to continue the backup already contains data
from one or more sets created during this operation.
The operation can not be continued

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Backup completed on 9/30/2003 at 8:46:53 AM.
Backed up 93742 files in 3888 directories.
Processed 20,551,628,493 bytes in 1 hour, 32 minutes, and 7 seconds.
Throughput rate: 212.8 MB/min
Software compression ratio: 1.2:1

Job ended: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 at 8:47:24 AM
Job completion status: Failed
I too am seeing this problem, and I&quot;m not using exchange.

Restore started on 1/22/2004 at 12:28:05 PM.
Directory \\IMAGE2\F$Directory \\IMAGE2\F$\images
Directory \\IMAGE2\F$\images\THNKE
Directory \\IMAGE2\F$\images\THNKE\E02
Access denied to file \images\THNKE\E02\XPPRO.GHO.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Error writing file data.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Then the file no longer passes a MD5 checksum. I&quot;m only seeing this to one server (the original). If I redirect the file to antoher server, it works fine.

A couple things,

First off, Qdog and Justin are dead on. You do not want to back up Exchange with OFO, although in 9.x, it doesnt really matter, because Backup Exec has something called Active file exclusions. If a Exchange or SQL database and its logs are active, Backup Exec will not try to back them up even if you select them. (flat files, I dont mean the Agent) But everything they said is absolutely true and the new exclusions acknowledge this.

There are a couple tools that come with Exchange that you can run to try and fix your IS.

Isinteg and eseutil. They come with Exchange, although I cant remember if they install with 5.5, or are just on the CD. Microsoft has Knowledge base articles on how to run them. They are command line utilites, but are very powerful and effective.

Your error looks like the emails being denied access are spam or junk mail. If you have some kind of filtering software or something that isolates spam, it will prevent BE from backing up those particular emails. All the rest of your email will be backed up and should show in your restore selections.

I am getting an error when backing up the .pst file

File &quot;Personal folders.pst&quot; in use - Backed up.
WARNING: &quot;\Profiles\John.Smith\Personal folders.pst&quot; is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

HOIw can i fix this?
Try backing up at the &quot;Brick level&quot;, rather than the store. And enable full logging... this might narrow it down to an individual folder, or even a corrupt e-mail file.

The pst file was open for backup - 2 ways to fix it, make sure the pst is closed or install the Open file Option to backup the open pst file.
Hey people,

What to do about the error below, it seems kind of uninformative. I'm attempting an Exchange 2000 backup with Veritas backup Exec 9.1. I have the verify and Open File Options On.

Job ended: Thursday, February 12, 2004 at 2:39:29 AM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xa000fe2d - The backup of the item is bad.

Final error category: Resource Errors

I am NOT using exchange, I got this error
....\outlook.pst is a corrupt file. This file cannot verify.
Does it has anything to do with the file size? Currently its 1.4 GB
Kinldy suggest something asap.
As reference to my previous post, can/should i use "Advanced Open File Option" to backup my email contents?? If YES, then which of the four options should i go with??
rememeber i am NOT using exchange. Just backing up my emails ( outlook )

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