I was asked to check the spelling on a document that was written in English and alltough I can search for most words in the dictionary. Some words are not in there and the grammar is sometimes problem too. So I kindly ask for your help.
telogen phase hair or telogen-phase hair
in the sentence
It's common knowledge that the limiting factors in obtaining a STR profile are the quality
is a or an STR
I tend to say nucliei (more then one nucleus) but they wrote it nuclei am I pronouncing it wrong?
Christiaan Baes
"My new site" - Me
telogen phase hair or telogen-phase hair
in the sentence
It's common knowledge that the limiting factors in obtaining a STR profile are the quality
is a or an STR
I tend to say nucliei (more then one nucleus) but they wrote it nuclei am I pronouncing it wrong?
Christiaan Baes
"My new site" - Me