I have a database with a 'Projects' table with 148 records. One of the fields is named ‘Current’ (a y/n field). I also have a table named 'Printing' with a lookup field named 'Project' based on the 'Projects' table. I have a data entry form set up based on 'Printing'. The combo box for the 'Project' field on the form is based on a query that finds only projects that are marked as 'current' in the 'Project' table. I've come up with a glitch though - if a record in ‘Printing’ has a project that was current at the time it was entered but subsequently has been marked as non-current, the ‘Project’ control on the form goes blank. The 'project' data remains correct in the ‘Printing’ table, but the form doesn't display it correctly. The form is used as a 'job log' so when a job is logged in, I want the ‘Project’ control pull-down to display only current projects but I also need the form to always display that information no matter what the status of a project. I’ve tried playing with the ‘limit to list’ property with no luck. I’m not a coder at all so please be gentle with me.