After a whole mess of testing it seems that in &H1C96 in qb45 is the number stored for the color in the PRINT statement. Could some people test this out for me and see if it works in their version of qb and on their computer? It only works for SCREEN 0 and is a little faster than the COLOR statement. I know this is useless because you can POKE directly to the screen in SCREEN 0 thru &HB800, but its still interesting to now. Some1 should get arounding to documenting the memory segment and each of its functioning of QB. I don't have time right now, but it seems like an interesting project. I guess now I'll try to figure out how it works with other SCREENs. PLZ test it out.... all you got to do is POKE &H1C96, randomvalue and then PRINT someting and see if it changes the color without the COLOR statement. thx