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CMS Link

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Jan 10, 2006
Switch G3siV12
CMS r13.1

We are trying to connect the switch and CMS, and everything appears to be correct, however the link never comes up.

We have done numerous network tests and have sucessfully ruled that out as the problem. The MIS link from the switch never comes up though.

We were attached to another CMS on Friday and it worked fine (that was a V12CMS).

Thoughts or suggestions on what to try next?

Can you ping the CMS interfaces from the LAN as well as fron inside the PBX?

Can you ping the PBX from CMS?

What happends when you test the data mod for CMS?
When you status the link?

Is the port speeds set correctly adn do you see any duplex mismatches or other network related issues on the netowrk switch?

What happens when you look at your actual connection speed?
The C-LAN address needs to be in the CMS /etc/hosts file. The CMS address needs to be defined in the node-name ip file in the PBX.

Make sure the CMS adjunct version match in the System Features file in the PBX.

Make sure the link is enabled and do 'release mis' in the PBX.

Make sure that data collection is turned on for your ACD in the CMS.

Log into the CMS as root. Type 'su cmssvc'. Execute 'cms'. There is a Services entry on the menu that can help you diagnose link problems.

Telecomwork -

We can ping and traceroute with no issues now.

When I do a test data fails on test 1286 with an error code of 2. - Which is telling me it can't see the link.

When I status the link it is connected/inservice and idle/with 0 ports connected.

Everything matches on the Network switch and seems to be fine.

Kevin - Everything that you have suggested is done and correct, with the exception of the adjunct verison in the PBX. It will not let me change that field to a 13. When I push the help feature it tells me the highest I can pick from is R12.

Great questions and ideas - Anything else?
Have you tried doing a "stat processor-channel x" where x is the processor channel number on the "change com proc" form?

If it says "IP Address Mismatch", then you need to change "node-names" and make the CMS IP Address the IP of the other nic card in the CMS.

If that's not your issue, then I would check the Switch Version in your CMS and make sure that it is correct for the type of switch you have.

Hope this works!!
Your favorite call center person.
Marcell - Love that command!

But alas - we are showing Awaiting session - Server listening for client connect.

The interesting thing though is that the last failure (10:30 this morning) Does say Destination IP Address mismatch - and nothing has changed that I am aware of. I'm sure the address are correct.

We have verified with the documentation that thes Switch Version and the CMS are compatible and correct.
If the last failure is IP Address mismatch, it is likely that this is your problem.

When you look in the host table in the cms (just in case you need instructions, here they are...

Log into CMS through emulator.
Switch to the root login "su root"
Switch to the main directory "cd /"
open up the hosts table "vi etc/hosts"
(To quit out of here without making any changes, enter:

There should be an IP address associated with the full domain name of the CMS.
Example: r3cmsname r3cmsname.tmpdomain.net loghost

and then there is another entry that has the same name, but an _1 attached.
Example: r3cmsname_1

Those are the 2 IP addresses of your CMS system.

**(To quit out of the host file without making any changes, type: ":q!"

If you are currently connecting to one of them, try connecting to the other instead.

Disable Com proc channel.
Change node-names IP to other IP address
Enable com proc channel.

While you're in there, you can make sure that the "Switch" IP address is the CLAN that is associated with the "link" you are using. This is the link from the data module that you entered in the "link" field of the Com proc channel.

Marcell -

Once again great information but no luck. The host address was different (it was a .211 we were using .210 which is also in there) so I did change it, enabled the com proc, busied, reset, released the CLAN and nothing.

So I went and tried you great command again and I'm still getting the same thing??

We have 5 other ACD's around the country that are working wonderfully - so I went and check the ip addresses on those and they were using the .210 that we started with.

Any more ideas?
Have you triple checked that the IP Address of the switch in "node-names" is the right CLAN and that you are using the right link.

For example, when I do a "list ip-interface clan" I can see all CLANs. Note the CLAN board location of the IP Address that is in the CMS host file.

Then do a "list data" and find the data module associated with that board.

Then do a "display data xxxx" to see the data module's link number. That link number should be the same link number in the "Interface Link" field on the "Change com proc" form.

Also, when you status the connection through CMS, what is the error you are getting there? (I believe it's in the CMS under the Maintenance menu.)
Ok I've rechecked everything like you suggested and we are good there.

When I look in CMS I see:

Waiting Session
Waiting Acceptance



This is Heidi and I didn't realize that it was you until I was talking with Julie.....

Anyhow to answer your question it was booted either on Saturday or Sunday and we are still seeing the same results.
Ok we are closer - there was an issue with the firewall. However now the com proc shows awaiting session and a last error of 1009.

The data guys are telling me they don't see any traffic (other than a ping I sent) from that address....

Are you using the same CMS address on the switch that you are having trouble with as the other 4 switches? If you are using the second NIC you may have to build a route. Log in as root and 'pg /etc/rc2.d/S99route'. See if the other 4 switches are there. If they are, edit the S99route file and add the 5th switch. Save the file and do '. ./S99route'.


When I type this command it brings me to a > prompt. Nothing else. Does that mean the file is empty or am I missing something? I'm not a unix person at all.
Type cd /etc/rc2.d Then type ls -l S99route If the S99route file exists the ls command wil show it. If it is there type cat S99route

Thanks Kevin - I got into there and the entry for this switch is in the file.

Any other thoughts?
I am now being told by Tier 4 that they are receiving an error from CMS and that the error is "5" Does anyone know where I can figure out what that is while they point me back to the CMS team?

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