CICS 7.0 I tried to add a second KIM but the system will not let me add more than one in programing. I phyiscally installed the second one anyway and it seems to work ok, is this normal?
the only thing i think of trying power down and bkup
or there maybe something worng with the KIM
i never done any sys with 7.0 for some reason those ver. that have the .0 suck. i stay away from them.
like 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 etc.
If you arent going to move line buttons or use swca
i see no reason to set as a KIM
7.0 has worked fine for me. I'll have to check the manual, but I'm thinking 1 CAP was standard for the CICS. (I just installed one with 7.1 yesterday, and I only had an option for 1 CAP, too.)
That doesn't mean you couldn't install kim's on every phone, just that you can only assign one as a central answering position.
This setting designates a telephone as an enhanced central answering
position (eCAP). The default assignment is None. The system can support a maximum of one eCAP.
if they only read the manuals
thats why i did not know till i looked, because i have never assigned a capper on a simple CICS system
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