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CCR Errors 2

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Nov 14, 2012
Hi All,

IP500v1 on R7.0.5
CCR on R7.0.6.6 (also tried R7.0.1.31)
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
MS SQL 2008 R2

Customer previously had SQL Express 2005 but had filled their database. Backed up the database, uninstalled SQL Express 2005 installed SQL Server 2008 - backed up database has been moved to another server so not to conflict with the install of 2008.

After installing CCR (following the guide by the letter!), when the webpage loads (localhost/CCRWebClient), you get the Avaya IPO CCR Splash Screen and are then re-routed to a page which says "An Unexpected Error has occurred which has been logged".

In the Event Viewer, the following error is reported :-

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Avaya IPOCCR Client
Event Category: None
Event ID: 4001
Date: 14/11/2012
Time: 14:04:06
User: N/A
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Avaya.SBCC.WebClient.BusinessLogic.ServiceStatusManager' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Avaya.SBCC.WebClient.BusinessLogic.ManagementServiceManager' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy' from assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.
at System.ServiceModel.HttpTransportSecurity..ctor()
at System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpSecurity..ctor()
at System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding..ctor(BasicHttpSecurityMode securityMode)
at System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding..ctor()
at Avaya.SBCC.Security.BasicHttpSecurityBinding..ctor(UserNameSecurityData data)
at Avaya.SBCC.Security.ProxyFactory.CreateProxy[Proxy,Contract](String uri, UserNameSecurityData data)
at Avaya.SBCC.WebClient.ServiceAgents.ManagementServiceAgent..ctor(LoginBase loginBase, SecureString passwordHash, String browserSessionId, Boolean suppressEvents)
at Avaya.SBCC.WebClient.ServiceAgents.ServiceAgentFactory.GetManagementServiceAgent()
at Avaya.SBCC.WebClient.BusinessLogic.ManagementServiceManager..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Avaya.SBCC.WebClient.BusinessLogic.ManagementServiceManager.ForceLogout(String sessionId)
at Avaya.SBCC.WebClient.FrontEnd.WebController.ForceLogoff(String sessionId)
at Avaya.SBCC.WebClient.FrontEnd.BasePage.Base_PreInit(Object sender, EventArgs e)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Avaya.SBCC.WebClient.BusinessLogic.ServiceStatusManager.get_DatabaseMonitorAlarms()
at Avaya.SBCC.WebClient.FrontEnd.Logon.RenderInitialLogon(Login userLogonControl)
at Avaya.SBCC.WebClient.FrontEnd.Logon.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)

In an attempt to resolve the issue, I have tried :-

Uninstalling and Re-installing MS SQL 2008 R2, removing IISv6 and any attached components, Removing .NET35 and the associated Windows Updates and deleting any CCR/SBCC entries in the registry, rebooting and re-installing CCR following the guide from the Knowledge Base. Including re-creating the IPOCCR account on the IP500v1 The same error occurs.

Have tried removing all of the errors from the Event Viewer and rebooting, unfortunately that didnt work either.

Have tried a different install package (R7.0.1.31) and get the same error.

The Services are running as the Domain Administrator, and I have checked the permissions on all of the CCR Files and all seems to be correct.

Any help would be very much appreciated!

go to IIS and on avaya ccr right click - properties, set it to use .net highest value. on each web component do the same.
If you only see .net 1 then you need to install 3.5 again restart iis. clear event logs as usual,, stop services, etc.
Thanks for the advice, I've just done that and still get the same error.

The highest .NET Version I can select is 2.0.50727 and can confirm that all CCR Related Websites have been set (I set them again for good measure) to that version and both versions are allowed in the components section.
Are all services running rob? Did you install asp .net with iis when you reinstalled? I have to ask, I know what it's like installing this super software.

How many times have you reinstalled just the ccr bit with .net patches?
Thanks, head and brick wall come to mind!

Yes, all services are running, although that ID:4001 error appears everytime you start the services..(almost like it's to do with the Log On details..)

During the first attempts I didn't re-install .net35 but on the last occassion (when we wiped absolutely everything and started again), I uninstalled it, rebooted, installed again (with the required Windows Updates after installing the dotnetfx), all of that after re-installing IIS.
Try setting all services as local admin
Also do you have named pipes and tcp enabled for the db?
Thanks again, I've tried the Services as local admin and domain admin.

I can see and open the database using the management studio, not sure what you mean by named pipes but TCP/IP is enabled and I've checked for firewalls too
The joys of ccr. At which service startup gives the error? You say you have full SQL installed but did you let ccr create the database as according to the docs?
Named pipes is the type of connections allowed to the database, ie it uses avaya sbrcct or something like that rather than the IP address which is enabled using tcp. I can't remember if you need this enabled or not but I always do anyway, an old Ccc rule.
Have you tried reinstalling .net via the cmd line?
Thanks, I havent checked the named pipes but I'll take a look.

No I haven't tried that, not sure how - unless you just type in its path in command prompt?
Thanks again appreciate the help, I work for a reseller and our distributers support is dire
no worries. all distributors are in the same boat when it comes to ccr unfortunately. i recommend you move the site to 8.1 and sign up for the new avaya support. you can get direct support from avaya with an sla depending on severity of the fault. getting signed up though takes about 10 working days.
have you seen this
it refers to a .net issue such as yours above("System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy")

when you unistalled, did you remove all .net patches, .net, everything?? click Show Updates also in Add/Remove and see if there are any security updates for .net installed. it just seems like a patch is missing.
i checked my other sites, you don't install .net 3.5 from command line, only v2 and v4, but you are using v4 and shouldn't need any v4 updates.
I uninstalled all .net components and re-installed using the 3.5 DotNetfx package + the KB Updates listed on the guide, so not sure if anything else would be missing?

I've looked at that link, looks very promising. Installing the patch fix as we speak - if that doesn't work I'll remove CCR/IIS/.Net and reinstall again, thanks.
SQL2008R2 needs .net version 4


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

I've installed .net4 and now get the following error :-

Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: The browser or gateway element with ID 'Safari1Plus' cannot be found.

Source Error:

Line 4: -->
Line 5: <browsers>
Line 6: <browser id="Chrome" parentID="Safari1Plus">
Line 7: <identification>
Line 8: <userAgent match="Chrome/(?'version'(?'major'\d+)\.(?'minor'\d+\.\d+).\d+)" />

Source File: C:\Program Files\Avaya\IPOCCR\CCRWebClient\App_Browsers\Chrome.browser Line: 6

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1

I'm not using Chrome or Safari..ie8.
I think you better reinstall the server form the bottom up!


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

didn't know that about .net on sql2008, thanks tlpeter. rob - before you do a 3 hour uninstall/reinstall, check that the web components now are set to use .net4, then reset iis
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