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May 13, 2004
CCCv5 was supposed to be part and parcel of R2.1 last spring but we haven't seen it yet. I've got some CCC installs coming up next month, would be REALLY nice to install them with v5 instead of having to go back and upgrade them later - has anyone heard when they are supposed to release it?? Are they now holding it for co-release with R3 or something?

And - do we know if the new CCC licencing scheme that was announced as part of R2.1 is still valid with v4, or do I need to still order the old licences?

CCCv5 is currently in trial but should be released soon. Licensing stays the same as far as I know except you get 3 custom reports for free. The report designer is gone and is replaced by Crystal reports.
Last I heard it was slated to be released with R3.0 sometime in November.
I have been testing CCC V5, however I am having problems with the reporting side of things.

Delta server is also having some issues, I am awaiting a new build. It is due for release mid DEC with V3 IPO

Rats! Guess I'll be installing v4 and then going back and doing upgrades next spring when R3 IPO comes out... :(

MrIPO what's your opinion on DS 4.0.35 when used with CCCv4? I had heard it is supposed to be much better, haven't had the nerve to deploy it at a live CCC site yet, but getting terrible results when using it with CBC.

I have had very good results from CCC V4 and DS 4.0(35)
What standard reports do you generally use.

Again I haven't tried installing DS4.0.35 on CCC, but here is what I've observed with CBC:

Scenario: queued & still queued callflows do a 5 second assisted transfer to an agent to give her a beep indicating callers in queue, then offers callers to press 1 and leave a voicemail (or hold). The leave mail token has the "flag call has been answered by voicemail" option ticked.

On DS4.0.29 and R2.0.18 firmware, if a caller elects to leave a voicemail, BOTH the answered calls and lost calls are both incremented by 1 (which is bad enough).

On DS4.0.35 and R2.1.24 firmware, that 5 second assisted transfer increments the calls lost by 1 right off the bat (very bad), and then to make matters worse if the caller ends up leaving a voicemail, it increments the lost calls a second time (for the same call!) but does NOT increment the answered calls!! Eeek!!

So if I get 5 callers that all leave a voicemail my stats show 0 answered and 10 lost calls...

What type of problems did you pick up with CCCv5 Delta Server ?
Hi There

CCC V5 proposed release date is the end of January 2005 as per my discussions with Avaya
What?? Are you sure about that? Everything I've heard from them says March 21. If it's stable, I would certainly welcome it sooner though!!

Yep CCC is coming out around then, but it's not supported till V3 is out!

So really, it's not out until we see V3!! Avaya are crazy!
Can anybody tell me if there is a option in CCCv5 to run Plasma screens as well as the traditional wall boards. I have a customer who likes the PC wallboard format, but does not want to run PC wallboards on the agents PCs. but on a 50" Plasma screen.
Apple pie, I have a customer who does that. Run PC Wallboard on one of your servers (or a dedicated low end PC) and use any manner of methods of throwing the VGA output (or put a TV out card in it) onto the plasma TV screen.

Works great.

Even cooler, CCC comes with 1 free PC Wallboard licence - so you could use it for your plasma screen and not bother with physical wallboards or buying additional PC Wallboard licences (although that can be cool too, allowing agents to compare their personal stats to the groups).

I als0 did it like that, running ccv and pc-wallboard on the Plasma-screen.
Works great.

Greets Peter
but dont you have to use a agent licence up and who is permantly logged in?
No you only need a PC-Walboard licence that is permantly logged in.
The agent licence is for the right info in CCV and your reports.

Greets Peter
In version 3 you can use a PC Wallboard without any agent logged in, a phantom agent should do just fine.
You do need a PC Wallboard licence.
Th agent license is for real-time and hystorical information about the agent only, this means detailed agent info as : logged on/off, on call time, on busy N/A etc.
I don't know CCC anywhere near enough - but if a PC wallboard is going to be used for a plasma screen, don't you just need to log it in as a Standard User mode? So this could display hunt group information etc etc - taken from the manual.....

The PC Wallboard operates in two modes:

"Enhanced (Agent mode)
The agent must be logged on to the Telephone system prior to invoking the PC Wallboard. The agents log on to the PC Wallboard using their individual agent logon ID and the computer name of where the Wallboard server is running. The currently logged on agent has the ability to view their own personalized configuration of the contact center, consisting of up to 20 contact center variables as well as their assigned scheduled messages.

Standard User mode
Displaying only the scheduled messages received from the Wallboard Server/Client applications. In this mode you logon to the PC Wallboard using only alphanumeric text and the name of the server where the Wallboard is running."

So for HG info, we just need to log it in as a Standard User mode?

You're correct if all you want is standard mode - ie just the "ticker style" bar to display scheduled messages. It gets a whole lot slicker in enhanced mode though, you can put a lot more usefull information up that can be read at a glance, instead of having to wait for the data you want to appear.

Will be great when we don't have to use up an agent licence to use enhanced mode.

Hey I've heard also that CCCv5 is due out end of this month, but that it IS supported on 2.1? What have the rest of you heard, if anything?

CCC 5 is posted as GA on the Avaya NPI ftp server, so it can be released but i do not know when.
I've seen a document with the upcoming features in CCC 5.1 and using a plasma screen as PC Wallboard without the use of a agent was in it, also the reporting on highest group number will be gone.
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