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Cant Transfer to Voicemail on IPO 406 v2 embedded VM 3

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Technical User
Jan 3, 2011

I set up a shortcode for users to send calls directly to another users mailbox. The shortcode is as follows:

Code: #XXX
Feature: Voicemail Collect
Tel No: "#N"
Line Group:0

When I call from the outside and have a user transfer me to extension 360, I end up in a unknown mailbox. I put up a monitor session and it looks like this: (sorry for the length)

269623005mS LVM(recorder): LVM Recorder 135: constructor called
269623005mS LVMail: MailBox135: constructor called
269623006mS LVMail: AutoBox135: constructor called
269623006mS LVM(audio): Audio135: constructor called
269623006mS LVMail: MailBox135: constructor called
269623006mS LVMail: Client135: constructor called: ACallId.lid: 0 ACallId.id: 1008 ACallId.in: 0 ALineId.type: 4 Alineid.id: 1
269623007mS LVM(audio): Audio135: Open: called: packet size 80
269623007mS LVMail: Ticker: RegisterLVMClient: 135 List size = 1
269623008mS LVMail: Client135: ProcessMsg: CMSetup Call: lid = 0, id = 1008
269623009mS LVMail: Client135: ProcessMsg: CMSetup - called_party: #N calling_party: 917739133777
269623009mS LVMail: Client135: ProcessMsg: access: LEAVE_VOICEMAIL greeting:
269623009mS LVMail: Client135: ProcessMsg: ProcessMsg modifier=() keypad=()
269623009mS LVMail: Client135: Open: opentype: 1
269623010mS LVM(recorder): LVM Recorder 135: Open: called
269623010mS LVMail: MailBox135: Open: called
269623010mS LVMail: Notify: N New: 1 Old: 0 Saved: 0
269623010mS LVMail: MailBox135: Mailbox data:
269623011mS LVMail: Flash Memory Management List size = 28
269623011mS LVMail: Mailbox "N" retrieving voicemail - has 1 calls
269623011mS LVMail: 1 new, 0 old, 0 saved (any others are discards)
269623011mS LVMail: Client135: SendMsg: CMAlerting to CM
269623012mS LVMail: Client135: ConfigureRASPort: called
269624152mS PRN: Christina: DSS Appearance Key Pressed 0
269624156mS LVMail: Client135: ProcessMsg: CMReleaseComp Call: lid = 0, id = 1008
269624156mS LVMail: Client135: ProcessMsg: CLOSE (CMReleaseComp) end: True pause: False
269624157mS LVMail: Client135: Open: opentype: 2
269624157mS LVMail: Client135: ProcessMsg: CLOSE - listening packet count 0
269624157mS LVMail: Client135: Complete: called
269624157mS LVMail: Client135: AssertSpeechMonitor: Off
269624157mS LVMail: Client135: StopRASPort: called
269624158mS LVM(recorder): LVM Recorder 135: Close called - t_bodylen 0
269624158mS LVMail: ~Client135: destructor called
269624158mS LVMail: Ticker: UnRegisterLVMClient: 135 List size = 0
269624158mS LVMail: ~MailBox135: destructor called
269624159mS LVMail: Notify: New: 0 Old: 0 Saved: 0
269624159mS LVM(audio): ~Audio135: destructor called
269624159mS LVMail: ~AutoBox135: destructor called
269624159mS LVMail: ~MailBox135: destructor called
269624160mS LVMail: Notify: N New: 1 Old: 0 Saved: 0
269624160mS LVM(recorder): ~LVM Recorder 135: destructor called

********** SysMonitor v7.0 (26) [connected to (Pachter Gregory)] **********
269624698mS PRN: Monitor Status IP 406 DS 5.0(26)
269624698mS PRN: LAW=U PRI=1, BRI=0, ALOG=0, ADSL=0 VCOMP=0, MDM=0, WAN=0, MODU=1 LANM=0 CkSRC=1 VMAIL=1(VER=2 TYP=3) CALLS=2(TOT=389)
269625757mS LVM(recorder): LVM Recorder 136: constructor called
269625757mS LVMail: MailBox136: constructor called
269625757mS LVMail: AutoBox136: constructor called
269625758mS LVM(audio): Audio136: constructor called
269625758mS LVMail: MailBox136: constructor called
269625758mS LVMail: Client136: constructor called: ACallId.lid: 0 ACallId.id: 1009 ACallId.in: 0 ALineId.type: 4 Alineid.id: 1
269625759mS LVM(audio): Audio136: Open: called: packet size 80
269625759mS LVMail: Ticker: RegisterLVMClient: 136 List size = 1
269625760mS LVMail: Client136: ProcessMsg: CMSetup Call: lid = 0, id = 1009
269625761mS LVMail: Client136: ProcessMsg: CMSetup - called_party: #N calling_party: 917739133777
269625761mS LVMail: Client136: ProcessMsg: access: LEAVE_VOICEMAIL greeting:
269625761mS LVMail: Client136: ProcessMsg: ProcessMsg modifier=() keypad=()
269625761mS LVMail: Client136: Open: opentype: 1
269625762mS LVM(recorder): LVM Recorder 136: Open: called
269625762mS LVMail: MailBox136: Open: called
269625762mS LVMail: Notify: N New: 1 Old: 0 Saved: 0
269625762mS LVMail: MailBox136: Mailbox data:
269625763mS LVMail: Flash Memory Management List size = 28
269625763mS LVMail: Mailbox "N" retrieving voicemail - has 1 calls
269625763mS LVMail: 1 new, 0 old, 0 saved (any others are discards)
269625763mS LVMail: Client136: SendMsg: CMAlerting to CM
269625764mS LVMail: Client136: ConfigureRASPort: called
269626162mS LVMail: Client136: ProcessMsg: CMFacility Call: lid = 0, id = 1009
269626162mS LVMail: Client136: AssertSpeechMonitor: On
269631763mS LVMail: Client136: SendMsg: CMConnect to CM
269631767mS LVMail: Client136: ProcessMsg: CMConnectAck Call: lid = 0, id = 1009
269631767mS LVMail: Client136: CallConnected: invoked
269631768mS LVMail: Client136: CallConnected: No Config for N
269631768mS LVMail: Client136: CallConnected: Caller Locale: enu
269631768mS LVMail: Client136: CallConnected: Caller Can Terminate
269631768mS LVMail: Client136: Open: opentype: 9
269631768mS LVMail: Client136: StartRASPort: called
269631769mS LVMail: Client136: AssertSpeechMonitor: On
269631769mS LVM(audio): Audio136: RequestDialog: invoked dialog type: GREETINGS
269631769mS LVM(audio): Audio136: RequestDialog: locale: ENU Selected
269631769mS LVM(audio): Audio136: Greetings: called
269631769mS LVM(audio): Audio136: ChangeNode( GreetingsNode, 0)
269631770mS LVM(audio): Audio136: GreetingsNode::Begin: (0) called
269631770mS LVM(audio): Audio136: AddWAV: clip found: File: 3041 clipname: ENU:MC_01
269631771mS LVM(audio): Audio136: AddWAV: clip found: File: 3153 clipname: ENU:SVM_07
269631772mS LVM(audio): Audio136: AddWAV: clip found: File: 3040 clipname: ENU:MC_00
269631772mS LVM(audio): Audio136: RunNode: called
269631772mS LVM(audio): Audio136: StartNextClip: called File: 3041 clipname: ENU:MC_01
269631773mS PRN: Task Daemon waiting on Call Model Semaphore held by CM
269631774mS PRN: Confer DSP, channel 0: allocated DTMF detector 0, 3 free
269631774mS PRN: Confer DSP: enabled DTMF detector 0
269631777mS LVM(audio): SoundPlay: Restart: setup sound-clip: b_header: 0x00 sect_ix: 15 clip_unu: 3243
269631777mS LVMail: Client136: StartSendToPhone: called
269631777mS LVMail: Client136: ConfigureRASPort: called
269631778mS LVMail: Client136: CallConnected: - Call State: CMCSConnected
269632139mS LVM(audio): Audio136: StartNextClip: called File: 3153 clipname: ENU:SVM_07
269632144mS LVM(audio): SoundPlay: Restart: setup sound-clip: b_header: 0x00 sect_ix: 16 clip_unu: 41869
269637369mS LVM(audio): Audio136: StartNextClip: called File: 3040 clipname: ENU:MC_00
269637372mS LVM(audio): SoundPlay: Restart: setup sound-clip: b_header: 0x00 sect_ix: 15 clip_unu: 1448
269637549mS LVM(audio): Audio136: StartNextClip: end of clip list
269637550mS LVMail: Client136: SendToPhone: end of sound sequence
269637550mS LVM(audio): Audio136: RequestDialog: invoked dialog type: END_PLAY
269637550mS LVM(audio): Audio136: RequestDialog: locale: ENU Selected
269637550mS LVM(audio): Audio136: EndPlay: called
269637550mS LVM(audio): Audio136: GreetingsNode::EndPlay: called
269637551mS LVM(audio): Audio136: StartRecording: called
269637551mS LVM(recorder): LVM Recorder 136: StartRecording called - 917739133777 => N
269637551mS LVM(recorder): LVM Recorder 136: StartRecording: Timestamp: 2012/02/22 12:17:08 (1329913028 secs, day 3)
269637551mS LVM(audio): Audio136: ChangeNode( RecordingPlayNode, 0)
269637552mS LVM(audio): Audio136: RecordingPlayNode::Begin: called: Timestamp: 2012/02/22 12:17:08 (1329913028 secs, day 3)
269642751mS LVMail: Client136: ProcessMsg: CMReleaseComp Call: lid = 0, id = 1009
269642751mS LVMail: Client136: ProcessMsg: CLOSE (CMReleaseComp) end: True pause: False
269642751mS LVMail: Client136: Open: opentype: 2
269642751mS LVMail: Client136: ProcessMsg: CLOSE - listening packet count 519
269642752mS LVMail: Client136: Complete: called
269642752mS LVMail: Client136: AssertSpeechMonitor: Off
269642752mS LVMail: Client136: StopRASPort: called
269642752mS LVM(recorder): LVM Recorder 136: Close called - t_bodylen 41536
269642753mS LVM(recorder): LVM Recorder 136: Close: Clipping 561 bytes from N
269642753mS LVMail: ~Client136: destructor called
269642753mS LVMail: Ticker: UnRegisterLVMClient: 136 List size = 0
269642753mS LVMail: ~MailBox136: destructor called
269642753mS LVMail: Notify: New: 0 Old: 0 Saved: 0
269642754mS LVM(audio): ~Audio136: destructor called
269642754mS LVMail: ~AutoBox136: destructor called
269642754mS LVMail: ~MailBox136: destructor called
269642755mS LVMail: Notify: N New: 1 Old: 0 Saved: 0
269642755mS LVM(recorder): ~LVM Recorder 136: destructor called
269642760mS PRN: Confer DSP: disabled DTMF detector 0
269642760mS PRN: Confer DSP channel 0: freed DTMF detector 0, 4 free
269642884mS LVMail: Notify: N New: 2 Old: 0 Saved: 0
269642884mS PRN: LVMail_SendIVRStatus no valid extn from mailbox N
269642885mS LVMail: Message recorded. Email mode(0) Addr() Locale()

********** Warning: Logging to Screen Stopped **********

Try tel number #"N" or "#"N instead, but if using 1400,1600,9500 etc handstes and visual voice then just press the message button in call (not transfer first) and it will ask what mailbox you want to transfer to :)

What is strange is if I try "#"N, this system takes away the first Quote and it looks like #"N when I save it. Any suggestions?
aLSO, IF i TRY #"N", The system removes my second quote and looks like #"N.
Make it feature Dial and save it with the "" in the right place then change the feature back to VM collect, Avaya tried to automate the "" thing but it did nothing but break it completely :)

Bingo! The feature Dial, then change to voicemail collect worked great!! Thanks!!

Coming in late to this but the short code would look like this:?

Code: #xxx
Feature: Dial
Tel no: "#N"
LIne grp: 0

Save it. Merge it. Then go back in and edit the short code

Code: #xxx
Feature: Voicemail collect
Tel no: "#N"
Line Grp: 0

Save it. Merge it. Is this right? Then the transfer directly to a mailbox will work?



Code: #xxx
Feature: Dial
Tel no: "#"N
LIne grp: 0

Save it. Merge it. Then go back in and edit the short code

Code: #xxx
Feature: Voicemail collect
Tel no: "#"N
Line Grp: 0

Save it. Merge it :)

Close. Get rid of the quotes around the #N Try saving the feature as a dial then change to Voicemail collect.
Quotes are required marathondude, the odd release works without some don't, so it's best to do it right :)

amriddle- Thats good to know. I have systems on 7.027 and 8.016 where the quotes aren't. Have a star for that
No worries, also depending on release the below work/are required.

"#N" or "#"N or ""#N or #"N" or indeed #N :)

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