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can't browse the internet

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Technical User
Apr 19, 2002
I have a w2k pc that is on a lan and can see all computers on the network. It can ping the internet, but can't use internet explorer nor can it reach the pop server that is on our lan to receive e-mails, however you can explore network places and reach the server. Any Ideas anyone?
Just to add to this NSLook up can not find server
When you ping the internet are you pinging by IP or by domain name? Sounds like maybe it's a DNS problem.

Chris Andrew, CCNA
OK. So if you can ping web sites by domain name then your connection is okay and DNS resolution is okay, so it sounds like your IE settings. Are you using a proxy server and is IE set up to use the LAN?

Chris Andrew, CCNA
we do not have a proxy server.

I suspect that it has something to do with the fact a modem was installed to enable us to do BACS transfers. The only thing that I have been able to come up with is that when I have done ipconfig /all I notice that IP Routing Enabled is set to yes, where as mine is set to no. I have been reading the other question that is similar to mine but he was using win98 and they suggested uninstalling DUN however that is not so simple in w2k. I still think that the problem eminates from IP Routing Enabled. What do you think and how do I disable it?
To disable IP routing, go to TCP/IP properties and select the "General" tab. There is a check box for "Enable IP Forwarding".

To be honest, I doubt that this is your problem. If you can ping internet addresses by host name and IP address then your TCP/IP settings must be correct and routing is obviously not a problem. If you can connect via a DOS prompt but not Internet Explorer then IE is where your problem lies. Check the "Connections" tab under "Internet Options" and make sure that you're not set up to use a proxy server and that if you do have any dial-up connections in there that "Never dial a connection" is selected.

Chris Andrew, CCNA
Sorry Chris but there is no check box, this is win2k we are talking about?
Well, I'm using NT4 but it is still in TCP/IP properties somewhere but you might have to drill down a bit more. Or, you can do it with the registry. This is taken from the MS Knowledge Base ....

Enabling TCP/IP Forwarding
Use Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) to view the following registry key:

Set the following registry value:

Value Name: IPEnableRouter
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 1
NOTE : A value of 1 enables TCP/IP forwarding for all network connections installed and used by this computer.

However, I doubt that your problem is with IP Forwarding if you can still get external access from a DOS prompt but it's just IE that's not working.

What about the POP server on your LAN. Can you reach it by IP address or host name. Can you telnet to it on port 110 or is it just your mail client that can't connect?

Chris Andrew, CCNA
Hi Chris,

Unfortunately I had checked the setting in the reg and found it the same as mine however the in the cmd it says the opposite.

I have never used telnet and can ping our pop 3 server the problem clearly lies with the fact that it isn't translating dns properly.

PS I have just rebuilt the machine using a different hd and checked settings which are working IRQ are the same however the difference is that one line in IPCONFIG. With time pressing and no solution immediately on hand I am left with one choice and that is to deliver the new build and move on.

Thanks for your help




What did ipconfig /all say about your default gateway? Also, might try a route print. If your gateway isn't the first stop, then you might not be getting there because of that. I wouldn't think you could ping if the gateway isn't correct, but DNS is a really good beast. Maybe finding the sites by getting to the internet anyway it can. Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do.
Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do."
Mark Twain (1835-1910); US writer.
The IPCONFIG /ALL was fine all the setting bar IP ROUTING ENABLED were Identical. I checked in the registry and couldnt find where it was enabled, everywhere I looked the setting was not enabled. With time pressing I had to rebuild the pc which now works fine, however I would be interested in finding how to resolve this issue incase it happens again.

I have the same problem with one of my clients systems. They're using Win98 (Not se) OS with IE 5.5. I've already tried all the options that have been listed including changing out the nic card & rebuilding the registry. Neither I nor two other Techs’ from my company have any solutions.
I have the same problem with one of my clients systems. They're using Win98 (Not se) OS with IE 5.5. I've already tried all the options that have been listed including changing out the nic card & rebuilding the registry. Neither I nor two other Techs’ from my company have any solutions.
With 98 machines, I don't mess around. If there using outlook I save their .pst files, make sure all the things they work with are on the network and f-disk, then re-install. Faster than messing around with it and I have a 90% fix rate. If it doesn't fix the problem on a 98 machine, the machine is history. Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Take nothing on its looks: take everything on evidence. There's no better rule."
Charles Dickens (1812-1870); English novelist, dr
Killing the OS was the only way for me, however if I could have found a way of disabling IPRouting on the machine, I beleive that I wouldn't have had to
Easy way to find out if you have winsock2 issue

go to command prompt, type in ftp and hit enter...if it says connected, or disconnected you are fine....if it says socket error or just socket with 10004 or another number then you need the registry fix *ducks and hides* "don't shoot me i'm only the messenger!"
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