I have an IBM or Dell 400MHz CPU, 128mb RAm, 3.8GB hard drive, on board video, on board audio, 2-usb ports, network interface card(NIC) I purchased this computer from a newsletter ad. When I turned it on to check it out, the Windows 2000 Pro was half way loaded, so click next, next, next to finish the W2K installation and I never entered any passwords. The computer works fine, I am able to use Microsoft Office 97 programs and so on.
I installed AOL 9.0 to visit the web, but I am only able to visit AOL main page. I cannot see any other pages or links. We troubleshoot with AOL tech support and found out that the problem is with the computer's software.
This computer was part of a network, in a office environment, I installed a modem which works fine!
My question is how do I open Add/Remove program? I thought maybe I needed to check the User and Passwords icon and I have noticed that the box is uncheck for "User must enter a user name and password to use the this computer" I also see
under User Name:Admintrator, Guest and User, and under Group: Admnistrators, Guests and Users. I think I may have changed, now, the last two settings(Guest and User)
Please let me what I need to reconfigure or to do to default Windows 200 Pro to normal settings where I can open Add/Remove programs and consequently visit the web.
Thank you very much,
I have an IBM or Dell 400MHz CPU, 128mb RAm, 3.8GB hard drive, on board video, on board audio, 2-usb ports, network interface card(NIC) I purchased this computer from a newsletter ad. When I turned it on to check it out, the Windows 2000 Pro was half way loaded, so click next, next, next to finish the W2K installation and I never entered any passwords. The computer works fine, I am able to use Microsoft Office 97 programs and so on.
I installed AOL 9.0 to visit the web, but I am only able to visit AOL main page. I cannot see any other pages or links. We troubleshoot with AOL tech support and found out that the problem is with the computer's software.
This computer was part of a network, in a office environment, I installed a modem which works fine!
My question is how do I open Add/Remove program? I thought maybe I needed to check the User and Passwords icon and I have noticed that the box is uncheck for "User must enter a user name and password to use the this computer" I also see
under User Name:Admintrator, Guest and User, and under Group: Admnistrators, Guests and Users. I think I may have changed, now, the last two settings(Guest and User)
Please let me what I need to reconfigure or to do to default Windows 200 Pro to normal settings where I can open Add/Remove programs and consequently visit the web.
Thank you very much,