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Cannot config 4-port Linksys router via IE (only Netscape) 2

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Technical User
Jan 29, 2003
Was wondering if anyone has seen this problem. Recently purchased the 4-port Linksys router and I cannot get the logon prompt to display so I can configure the router, when using either IE 6.0 from my Windows XP Pro box or from IE 5.5 running on Windows NT (sp6). On either of these systems I enter the IP in the IE address window and it just hangs and times out (eg However, I have Netscape 4.79 installed on my NT PC and I can logon to the router just fine through that. Fed up with Linksys email tech support as they want to ask a million questions and won't just cut to the chase. I've tried all the obvious stuff, flashed firmware, rebooted everything, reset the router to defaults, reset IE to defaults, etc. No luck. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Probably its Java based or something. Try downloading the Sun Java Virtual Machine.
Good thinking inikis, I just checked the source code on mine and it is a java based logon.
Thanks for the recommendations guys but Java hasn't helped. I'm thoroughly convinced that something is wrong with the router since it should work with either of the 2 main browsers out of the box without having to install other software on my PC. Unfortunately, it's too late to take it back to Best Buy!
Don't forget, MS has had some 'issues' with Sun's Java. If you can access it with Netscape, I doubt it's a problem with the router. Using IE, visit this page to test your Java setup:
wannabfree, what problem are you haveing? it sounds like you can't login to your router either way, IE or netscape.
"Jack of all trades. Master of none."
oh, by the way. i configure at least 3 linksys 4-port routers a day useing IE 6.0 with no added java components or plug ins. thats just to let you guys know. "Jack of all trades. Master of none."
I had the same problem with my Linksys 4-port router.
For quite some time IE6 would not work. I forget exactly how I fixed it, but I will try to assist.

Have you updated your IE6? Do you use ZoneAlarm? Have you reset the router?
I've done Linksys router configuration with IE 5.5 & 6.0 under both Win98 & Win2K. No problems. But isn't the default Linksys router home page always (that way on every Linksys I've seen)? Could that be your problem?
1. Are you running AdSubtract or another ad/popup filtering program? This will futz with the Linksys.

2. Are you running ZoneAlarm or a similar firewall? I've had problems with this as well.

3. Make sure you aren't running any internet proxy (IE, Tools, Options, Connections, LAN Settings -> is Proxy enabled?)

I purchased my 4-port Linksys unit in December 2002.
It ran netscape 4.79 and IE6(SP-3) with no problems.
I have ZoneAlarm running,no major problem,just checked the box to allow IE/Netscape to automatically access the Internet.
A suggestion---Uninstall IE6 and reinstall with the fixes.

Good Luck
Rick Harris
SC Dept of Public Safety-DMV
Network Operations
If you are running a firewall try removing Internet Explorer from the allowed applications. Do not have IE running at the time.

I will assume the firewall is set to ask for permissions for anything that accesses the net.

Start IE and set the approiate response in the dialog box for the firewall.

I have seen several firewalls lose settings for applications and removing the app from the firewall and resetting the rules seems to always work. I have also see apps get moved from either the trusted zone or rules zone into the block all section of a firewall.

Thanks all for your recommendations. However, some people are responding without reading the original thread c.a.r.e.f.u.l.l.y I stated that "I have Netscape 4.79 installed on my NT PC and I can logon to the router just fine through that." I AM able to access the router, but only via Netscape. Router IP is different because being a good little techie I don't stick with all the defaults out of the box for security reasons. IP is not the issue. I was running Norton Internet Security on my XP box but have removed it (due to performance issues) and the problem is still there. I upgraded my NT box to Win2k (no firewall on that one at the moment) and still cannot access the routers config screen via IE - only netscape. I'm living with it but if anyone has detailed recommendations for this specific problem (assume the basics please, browser reset to defaults, router reset, etc - I've been in IT for 10 years now) I'd be happy to hear them. Thanks again for the various tips/checks.
OK... to revive this:

Linksys' logon for their routers is _not_ java based, it's HTTP authentication based.

Let's get over the basics.

Does IE display a spinning globe in the upper right? Or does it lock and stop spinning? If it's spinning, it's still trying to access the page, and not locking.

Second question. I'm sure you've tried this, but you can ping the router (I'm sure you can) from the IE box?

Try another web browser... download lynx ( or opera (not sure on the address). See if they all work.

So let's discuss the possible issues here:

HTTP authentication works like this:

IE makes a get request:

GET / HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0

The linksys embedded webserver is going to reply with an HTTP authentication password header (basically it triggers your browser to ask you for the username and password).

That's what we need to do, is know if the browser is getting to that point. Why don't you download a packet sniffer, and take a look at the packets you're getting during that process?

Also, try using telnet to the router's IP address and telnet to port 80 rather than 23.

you'll get a blank screen, and type:

GET / HTTP/1.0

You might not be able to see what you're typing, do it anyway.

Hit enter twice.

You should then get a HTTP authentication header.

That'll confirm that the process is working correctly.

So try all of these things, see what you get.

I think the packet sniffer will be most helpful, that way we can see how far along IE is getting in the first place.

Hi wannabfree
did you solve the problem?
I had this problem too. In my case it helped
to change the codepage in IE (under "VIEW").
I played around with "Automatic" on and off,
"Westeuropean Windows" and "ISO" and after that
login to router worked with IE.
Maybe this will help...
You probably figured this out already.

In IE go to Tools/Internet Options/Connections/Lan Settings. Make sure "automatically detect network settings" is unchecked.

I purchased the Linksys 4 port cable / dsl router - BEFSR41 - the other week, and have had no problems with it. My suggestions:

1) Disconnect WAN port from router.

2) Make sure yout PC of choice is the only LAN device connected to the router.

3) Make sure your PC's TCP/IP networking is set correctly - start out by hard coding an ip address of, netmask, dont worrk about dns or gateway.

4) Disable all port sharing, proxy software, popup blocker, personal firewall software on the pc.

5) Fire up browser of choice - in your case, IE6.0 SP1 (you have applied all the MS security patches to your maching, haven't you?) and point to

6) Does the login box appear? Enter the default password of "admin" and you should be right.

I guess the secret is to get rid of anythign else that could be in the way - other dhcp servers, software interfering with stuff.
to everyone who has contributed in the mail. Its really interesting to see such things coming up with the linksys router .... atleast now im assured of myself that cisco, and nortel routers are very user friendly in comparison with the others ....
its really strange that this link has been here for about more then 9 months and the problem is still there ....

i hope till now "wannabfree" would have been synchronized with the problem mentioned and quite used to it now if not then i would like to wish you best of luck as any fellow who is been good at with the linksys router read this and find the problem... and thats really strange, linksys staff should have configured it at your premises at the time of purchase or you could have claim the support in the warranty period ....
I wanted to use this router but looking at above comments i dont like to put it in the network but only to use it for a personal know how.... anyhow thanks for listening and bearing me
Best regards to you all

Dont know if this helps but I turned on my "use proxy' settings temporarily and forgot and I was not able to get at the router, however once I turned of the "use proxy' all was well ...


I've been fighting this problem for over a year. I did the exact samething you did and switched over to Netscape.

Now forget all the advice you've gotten so far and start up the registry, do a search for zonealarm and zonelabs, delete those entries and you will be good to go.

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