I had a line in a PRG:
Replace recordings with recordings()
Recordings is a field in the open table.
recordings() returns a value determined by PROCEDURE recordings.
When I wrote this, the procedure didn't require a parameter, but I decided to pass a parameter to the procedure, so the first two lines of the procedure then read:
PROCEDURE recordings
At the end of the procedure was the line
RETURN cresult
So, how do I call PROCEDURE recordings and ask to replace recordings with recordings() if I have to pass a parameter in the call?
IOW, my call to PROCEDURE recordings has to look like REPLACE recordings WITH recordings(passvalue) instead of REPLACE recordings WITH recordings()
I worked around this seeming obstacle by creating a variable cpasskey before my call to PROCEDURE recordings and then referred to cpasskey within PROCEDURE recordings. Am I missing something or did I really have to do it that way?
Replace recordings with recordings()
Recordings is a field in the open table.
recordings() returns a value determined by PROCEDURE recordings.
When I wrote this, the procedure didn't require a parameter, but I decided to pass a parameter to the procedure, so the first two lines of the procedure then read:
PROCEDURE recordings
At the end of the procedure was the line
RETURN cresult
So, how do I call PROCEDURE recordings and ask to replace recordings with recordings() if I have to pass a parameter in the call?
IOW, my call to PROCEDURE recordings has to look like REPLACE recordings WITH recordings(passvalue) instead of REPLACE recordings WITH recordings()
I worked around this seeming obstacle by creating a variable cpasskey before my call to PROCEDURE recordings and then referred to cpasskey within PROCEDURE recordings. Am I missing something or did I really have to do it that way?