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Caller Zeroed out of mailbox cannot be VMtrans'd back in from Operator 2

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Nov 1, 2004
Customer has MICS 7.0 with StarTalk 4-port vmail.
Here's the scenario:

Call goes to agent's mailbox via FNA, DND, or F986 from Operator......caller decides to zero out to operator.....after verifying agent is not really available, caller decides to leave a message........operator uses F986 as usual to transfer back to mailbox..........caller cannot leave message and is disconnected.

Every other method of transferring callers into the mailbox work correctly. DID calls get there, transfered calls get there thru FNA or DND, and the operator can use F986 to send callers directly to the mailbox (the only exception is when the caller has already been sent into the mailbox, zeroes out and wishes to be sent back in). Is there a transfer supervision setting somewhere (ie. blind vs. wait for answer or wait for ring)?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
that is a weird one
just checking - when you say agent do you mean just an extension or is it Flash ACD?

What is the version of startalk
Can you try this in a station to station call
Thanks for the reply. It is simply an extension.

I would have to go to the site to be 100% sure, but I believe it's a StarTalk C model 4-port. It's not the Flash or Mini.

I'll have the customer try station to station tomorrow.

Thanks again.

More info:

When getting transferred back into the mailbox you zeroed out of you get 1 full ring and then hear, "The Operator is not available. To leave a message in the General mailbox, press 1, or press * to return to the main menu." If you try to zero from here you're told that it's an invalid entry.

We tried it several times with different mailboxes yielding the same result. However, we did get it to return to the mailbox greeting by waiting 30 seconds or so before trying the F986 back into the box. It's almost like the call remains connected to the mailbox for a period of time before fully releasing to the operator extension.

Is there a timer somewhere in the Startalk that can be adjusted? Or is it a hardcoded setting that you simply have to deal with?

Thanks again.
The Startalk C is not supported on MICS 7.0 (I think they are supported onlu till rel 1 or 2)
Like I said, I'm not 100% sure of the Startalk model or release#. I should be able to stop in at the site today and get the exact specs. What I know for sure is that it's not a Flash version. Thanks again.
It sounds like you'll need to go into Feature 982 Operator and make sure the correct attendant is entered and the attendant is available. At least on a flash, NAM or call pilot. I don't know of any other voicemail that would work on a MICS 7.0.
Thanks, bluemr2. I'm almost 100% sure that's already set up, but I'll be sure to check on that feature while on site today.

However, that still wouldn't explain why people who zero out of a mailbox to the attendant cannot be sent right back into the same mailbox by the attendant using F986 in order to leave someone a message, or does it and I'm just having a major brain fart?
How many intercom paths does the attendant have? She'll need one free when she uses f986. You might want to try adding another.
Thanks for the reply, Rik.

She has 5 intercom paths already, and I doubt she ever uses all of them at once.

Again, the F986 seems to work other than the call does not get back to the mailbox the caller opted out of to get to the operator--unless the caller remains on with the operator for 30 secs or so.
Wow. You might be back to senk1s' post, then about compatible sw rev's. Have you been able to check yet?
Here's the goods:

Norstar MICS 7.0

StarTalk 4-port NT8B70DN-93
HW: 2.2
SW: 2.0.4I

Thanka again folks for all your posts.
You might want to donate that to the Smithsonian.
This platform has been end of life for years.

OK ... your MICS is actually the latest release of 7.1.
It is not compatible with the old Startalk.
The last compatible version of MICS was 1.1 or R1T1.

This is most likely a negative aspect of the incompatibility.

I suggest replacing it with Norstar Messaging 150.
You really got your money's worth out of the Startalk for sure.

Thanks a ton, SP. I had a feeling about this when you first mentioned it--especially after seeing all of the other threads dealing with various "weird stuff" being caused by incompatibility. I'll break the news to my customer today.

Thanks again to all who gave a hand with this one.

This is THE best forum ever!!
Supportdude- Do you have a current compatability matrix? The most recent one I've been able to find only goes up to 7.0, and the last Startalk sw was compatible.

I've got a lot of customers nursing startalks out there who will run into this issue if they upgrade. Sometimes it helps to show them in writing...
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