I have recorded a main gretting that says in effect. hello you have reached...our hours are... press 1 for sales.. 2 for tech support...
The auto attendant answers and plays the greeting then I press 1 and there is a pause and then it exits. The only way I can get it to work is if I press 11 or 12. So it seems to be dropping into the ccr tree and waiting there for another button press. Is there a way to send it to the ccr tree without recording a second greeting for the ccr tree options?
The auto attendant answers and plays the greeting then I press 1 and there is a pause and then it exits. The only way I can get it to work is if I press 11 or 12. So it seems to be dropping into the ccr tree and waiting there for another button press. Is there a way to send it to the ccr tree without recording a second greeting for the ccr tree options?