I have a call center setup and sending calls to Skill 60. I have 4 agents.. the first has skill 60 skill level 1, the others are skill level 2.
for some reason once it checks on skill level 1 and it RONAs, it never goes to skill level 2. My other call center setups do this fine, but I can't find what i'm missing on the configuration
Number: 252 Name: PERFECT Que NEW
Multimedia? n Attendant Vectoring? n Meet-me Conf? n Lock? n
Basic? y EAS? y G3V4 Enhanced? y ANI/II-Digits? y ASAI Routing? y
Prompting? y LAI? y G3V4 Adv Route? y CINFO? y BSR? y Holidays? y
Variables? y 3.0 Enhanced? y
01 goto step 13 if unconditionally
02 queue-to skill 1st pri m
03 announcement 1271
04 wait-time 20 secs hearing music
05 set C = C ADD 1
06 goto step 25 if C = 3
07 collect 1 digits after announcement 1274 for none
08 goto step 11 if digits = 1
09 goto step 4 if unconditionally
10 stop
11 messaging skill 99 for extension V1
12 stop
13 goto step 26 if holiday in table 6
14 goto step 22 if holiday in table 7
15 goto step 2 if holiday in table 4
16 goto step 22 if holiday in table 5
17 goto step 22 if time-of-day is all 17:00 to all 22:59
18 goto step 22 if time-of-day is sat 10:00 to sat 18:00
20 goto step 2 if unconditionally
21 stop
22 route-to number 5910 with cov n if unconditionally
hunt group
Group Number: 60 ACD? y
Group Name: Perfection Stylist NEW Queue? y
Group Extension: 1060 Vector? y
Group Type: ead-mia
TN: 1
COR: 10 MM Early Answer? n
Security Code: Local Agent Preference? n
ISDN/SIP Caller Display:
Queue Limit: unlimited
Calls Warning Threshold: Port:
Time Warning Threshold: Port:
Skill? y Expected Call Handling Time (sec): 180
AAS? n Service Level Target (% in sec): 80 in 20
Measured: internal
Supervisor Extension:
Controlling Adjunct: none
VuStats Objective:
Timed ACW Interval (sec): 30
Redirect on No Answer (rings): 4
Redirect to VDN: 5911
Forced Entry of Stroke Counts or Call Work Codes? n
LWC Reception: none AUDIX Name:
Message Center: none
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
thank you
for some reason once it checks on skill level 1 and it RONAs, it never goes to skill level 2. My other call center setups do this fine, but I can't find what i'm missing on the configuration
Number: 252 Name: PERFECT Que NEW
Multimedia? n Attendant Vectoring? n Meet-me Conf? n Lock? n
Basic? y EAS? y G3V4 Enhanced? y ANI/II-Digits? y ASAI Routing? y
Prompting? y LAI? y G3V4 Adv Route? y CINFO? y BSR? y Holidays? y
Variables? y 3.0 Enhanced? y
01 goto step 13 if unconditionally
02 queue-to skill 1st pri m
03 announcement 1271
04 wait-time 20 secs hearing music
05 set C = C ADD 1
06 goto step 25 if C = 3
07 collect 1 digits after announcement 1274 for none
08 goto step 11 if digits = 1
09 goto step 4 if unconditionally
10 stop
11 messaging skill 99 for extension V1
12 stop
13 goto step 26 if holiday in table 6
14 goto step 22 if holiday in table 7
15 goto step 2 if holiday in table 4
16 goto step 22 if holiday in table 5
17 goto step 22 if time-of-day is all 17:00 to all 22:59
18 goto step 22 if time-of-day is sat 10:00 to sat 18:00
20 goto step 2 if unconditionally
21 stop
22 route-to number 5910 with cov n if unconditionally
hunt group
Group Number: 60 ACD? y
Group Name: Perfection Stylist NEW Queue? y
Group Extension: 1060 Vector? y
Group Type: ead-mia
TN: 1
COR: 10 MM Early Answer? n
Security Code: Local Agent Preference? n
ISDN/SIP Caller Display:
Queue Limit: unlimited
Calls Warning Threshold: Port:
Time Warning Threshold: Port:
Skill? y Expected Call Handling Time (sec): 180
AAS? n Service Level Target (% in sec): 80 in 20
Measured: internal
Supervisor Extension:
Controlling Adjunct: none
VuStats Objective:
Timed ACW Interval (sec): 30
Redirect on No Answer (rings): 4
Redirect to VDN: 5911
Forced Entry of Stroke Counts or Call Work Codes? n
LWC Reception: none AUDIX Name:
Message Center: none
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
thank you