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Blocking caller id

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Technical User
Mar 22, 2008
Hello all, i have a 406 4.0 and i'm trying to block caller id from going out, i've already removed it from short codes and still caller id shows up, service provider says they can not block it, how can i remove it from individual users and or system wide? any suggestions thanks
Are you running a PRI/T1/SIP? If not you can't change your outbound caller ID from the switch only the provider can.

Also even if you are running a PRI/T1 and you are not outpulsing any digits for caller ID the carrier will usually send the outbound caller ID as the Bill To Number. The provider should be able to block the caller id for your company. Did they give you a reason why they would not?

You can try to tag the outbound calls w/ a blank number. I am not too sure if this will work or not.
Shortcode: 9N
Telephone Number: NS or NS0000000000

Anything after the 'S' is your outbound caller id. Keep in mind that alot of carriers will only let you send out caller ID numbers that are in your range of DID numbers. This helps prevent people from spoofing numbers.

ACA- Implement IP Office
Read the documentation relating to shortcodes

The feature you require is explicitly listed in the Manager help under shortcodes, in the subsection telephone numbers

Perhaps you could ask the original installer for support.

Take Care

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
It is...

Short 9N/Dial/Telephone Number 9NW

if you want hide the whole numb.
The feat known as "CLIR" has to be allowed by the SP

Are you in the US. i have set up some systems to add a *67 beofore dialing the number to block caler id

Kevin Wing
ACA- Implement IP Office
Carousel Industries
Thanks Duff i will try to send blank ns0000000 and see if that would work they do have a pri and the service provider said they could not block only the ip office can change and block wich did not make sense to me
I have used 1NsiW and 1NsW for with held before and it has worked.

Kevin Wing
ACA- Implement IP Office
Carousel Industries
Use the short code Hibroth posted above, 9N,Dial,NSW, the W informs the PRI to Withold outbound caller ID information. I felt like I was missing something in my post and I was, the W.

Let us know how this works for you.

ACA- Implement IP Office
I have had a couple of customers ask us for alternatives to witholding CLID, as some people never answer or just completely block witheld CLID calls. So, instead we outpulse one of their DIDs, and route that DID incoming to some sort of dead-end, like a continuous-loop recording.
Thanks all for your help the nsw worked for restricting caller id
You replied with a rather direct look it up response, or call someone who is qualified, and that is not your normal response.
Do you know this poster, or is it just that they seem to act like they are an end user who should not know, but then other posts sound like they are providing support for Avaya systems like they are a professional, yet do not have a support path for these simple questions that clicking help would probably answer in 60 seconds for someone who is supposed to be providing support for hire?
Just curious.

Hi aarenot,

I read the OP as a either an end user, maintaining their own system or someone trying to implement a system for someone else. I don't know them...

However, I have got fed up with "seagulls" who bring nothing to this forum; but because I am naturally a nice bloke, I pointed the OP to the appropriate reference (not a plain RTFM, but pointing them to the correct section). I thought, just enough information to point them in the right direction , but not spoon feeding either.

If I recall this thread started about the time that there was a long discussion about POSERS and whether people were likely to move to a "more exclusive" forum (my words).

Why do you ask?

Take Care

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
I'm relatively new to commenting and contributing to the forum (as you may tell from some of my posts haha), but I can absolutely see your frustration. Especially when you get end users that are looking to circumvent their BP or as you call "seagulls" who do not contribute day to day, but instead get their answer and run.

That is one thing I wish Avaya did a little better. Provide some protection for the BP and some exclusiveness to documentation and certain resources to those who have taken the time/money to get trained and certified.

When I comment on the forum I always assume its Professional to Professional and alot of the times it is, but I guess it is worth the second look sometimes at the user.

ACA- Implement IP Office
I was just curious, because it seemed to be a chnage for you to just send them in the help file direction. I also wondered if you looked at the posters history, and saw what seemed to be someone posing as an end user to get help that most end users would already know if they had been administering their own system for any time, yet needing help for systems of different kinds in their postimgs making them sound like somoene providing services for hire.

Oh yeah - I did look at the poster's profile too...

maybe I was just having a bad day....

Take Care

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
I do see the point you make about those who are trying to save a buck, and do a job without calling their BP to do the service. Let's be real, how many of us have done a do-it-yourself DIY project at home when there is someone who does that kind of work for a living? Just because someone wants to try to DIY I do not begrudge them that kind of power, but just like at our homes it can work, or maybe not. We have no one to blame if on a Sunday morning we have to call a professional plumber in to drain our lower level, install a new hot water heater, and a mold remediator to celan up all the wet walls in a few months. If we try to re-wire our house, and we have a little smoke involved when we energize the system that is our own fault, and the professional electrician does not mind charging emergency rates to come fix it on Saturday afternoon.

That being said, if I hire someone to come, and re-plumb my home, or rewire my electrical, I damb well expect that they know what the hell they are doing, are a trained, and certified plumber , or electrician who knows the codes, and proper procedures without having to come on here to find the help files. I also know that when I do DIY at home , and the wife says hire a pro to clean it up, I do not blame it on the pipe being bad, or the wire not working correctly, but these POSERS blame everything on the IPO, and screw the customers, Avaya, brand IPO, and the real PA techs/BP'S market. They should get a PA, or walk away, unless it is moving the cross connect on existing ext type stuff. The ones that tork me off the most are the BP's who should know better, and who have agreed not to violate the support PA policy, yet do it anyway.

I have a question.
What is fraud?

It looks like i opened up a can of worms, by asking a simple question i thought that what this forum was for getting help on issues that your having a challenge and learn from others that are having a challenge themselves or am i in a wrong forum? please advise. I am an S series certified tech jumping into an IP Office i will gladly help anyone on a definity question once i have the IP Office down i will also offer my help thanks all.

Note- i did look up sending restrictions short codes and they were'nt working thats why i turned to this forum so someone having the same problem can learn from it
again thank you all
So if I read that right then you have a shortcode that has under the telephone number s0000000 at the end?
Is this in your ARS or did you make a new shortcode. R4 uses the ARS by default and any such shortcode should be in the ARS. The default shortcode in the ARS is
Dial 3K1
N (that's where you put the s0000000000 in)

Play around with the "dial3k1" and make it dial if the first one doesn't work. Also does the line provider accept 7 digits or do they need 10 digits, try either one.

Joe W.

FHandw., ACA, ACS

If you can't be good, be good at it!
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