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BE 8.6 reboots my server 1

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Jul 3, 2002
I am running Win2K Small Business Server with BE 8.6 and a Sony TSL-11000 DDS4 autoloader (Dell PowerEdge 2500 server). I have two partitions which are used as network-mapped drives from all the clients. One drive always backs up OK, but the other won't. The backup runs for a while (10 - 15 minutes), and then the server reboots before completing it. I will try to narrow it down a bit this weekend to see if it's specific directories or files, but just thought I'd ask in case someone else had run across this before.
I've seen this problem with our backups also. Still trying to figure it out. We have been working on it for about 6 months now. Check your event viewer and let me if you get some kind of error message like bug check 0x....... Thanks

I have exactly the same problem. We have BE 8.6 running on a Dell poweredge 2550 with a Dat tape. I can backup remote servers fine but when I back up the d: (data) partition on the server the backup will get to a certain point and completely reboot the server.

I have reported the problem to Veritas and Dell and neither have given me a satisfactory response. If you have logged a job with Veritas let me know and we can swap case numbers to show veritas that its not a one off problem.

Cheers Simon.
I haven't tried contacting Veritas yet - I wanted to narrow down the problem a bit first. I had hoped to have time this past weekend to play with it, but with the holiday & such, I never got around to it. I'll work on it one evening this week - I just can't go doing stuff that'll reboot the server during the workday :)
A little follow-up. I spent a couple of hours on it last night and this morning and have narrowed down the problem. It seems to be some particular file or directory. I first split the backup in half (by number of subdirectories, not by size). The first part I tried rebooted the server, but the 2nd part ran fine. I split the part which failed into two parts, and one part ran fine, but I ran out of time and didn't try the other part yet.
Anyway, in terms of disk space, I can backup about 2/3 of the drive, and the problem lies somewhere in the remaining third. I'll post another followup when I get it fairly isolated - hopefully there will be something I can point to and say "Here's the problem".
I have contacted Backup exec about this problem. The way SBS server handles liscences is causing the problem. Microsoft does have a patch for this problem. Check out this artical from Microsoft: If you are using IBM server the following may also help:

When I talked to Vertias a few Months ago they were still working on a fix.

Another problem that you may encounter is Backup Exec does not release client liscences when it backs up and subsequently you may have to reboot the server to release the liscences. Check out this Veritas artical:
I find it funny that a product that is sold to work with MS Small business Server causes SBS to fail. Their Quality department must have been asleep during testing.

If you find out anything further, please let me know.

Andy Houghton
IT Manager
I am running BACKUP EXEC 8.6 on W2KAS with SP2 on Dell PE2550 and a Dell autoloader. I have the same problem with the server rebooting when it hits the D: partition (dell utility). Nothing in event log until the system comes back up and the message is about the system having previously shutdown unexpectedly.

Well, I hope this will help other people - apparently the problem I had had nothing to do with Backup Exec. I kept narrowing down my selection of directories until I was down to 3 directories (off of the root directory.) So I figured I would just zip up those directories and backup the drive with the zip files. Well, when I tried to zip up the first one, my server rebooted. I was even running the WinZip program from a workstation, not even on the server itself.
The directory that was giving me trouble had a whole lot of zero-length and small sized files. I had never had a problem copying the files from the drive (running an XCOPY disk-to-disk backup), but something about the way that WinZIP and BackupExec access the directory caused a reboot.
Fortunately, I have that data elsewhere, so I was able to delete that directory (although I did notice some minor weirdness deleting the files) without crashing the server. Ever since, my backups run through fine with no more problems.
I previously was seeing the same thing that pete405 reported above - all that shows up in the event log is a message saying the server had unexpectedly rebooted. Once while I happened to be in front of the server at the right moment, I did notice a BSOD screen saying "Page Fault in non-paged area" and it gave a filename of NAVAP.SYS. That's all I was able to write down before the screen went away and it rebooted. Anyway, I hope that will help others who are having this rebooting problem. Perhaps they will also find that BE is not the actual problem, it just happens to be an application that triggers the problem.
Actually, I narrowed my problem down to files residing in the root of the System32 directory (C*.nls). I called Veritas and their response was "If you want telephone support, pay us for it."

I bought a product (BE8.6) to backup my Windows Server and when I use the product as intended, it crashes an otherwise stable server. If I was doing something exotic, it would be different. This is Windows 2000 Adv Server on a Dell box running MS Exchange. Pathetic.
ControlMan, you mentioned NAVAP.SYS. Could that be a Norton Anti-Virus file? I believe anti-virus, and other disk utilities, don't mingle too well with back up programs.

In your case, the anti-virus program may be the cause of your reboot issue when backing-up/zipping that directory you were having problems with.

I would definitely try disabling NAV and seeing if that helps things.
I too am experiencing this same problem with a Dell 2550 running 2000 server, Exchange 5.5. I have 3 of the same servers and setups in our remote sites and only 1 is having this problem. All 3 servers are identical...

All Backup exec 8.6 patches have been applied including the open file option.

My first suspicion was (is) with the open file option, so I removed it from the troubled server, but with no results.

My next step is to completely remove Backup Exec from server and reinstall with out open file option

Veritas must reconize this is a problem!
I suspect that I am also having this problem -- I recently started a new job and I am responsible for the backups. We are also having issues with server reboots that seem to happen just as the backup job kicks off! (backup scheduled at 9:00pm and bluescreen occurs ~9:02pm...

Has anyone found a resolution to this?

Server is running Windows 2000 Server SP3, and SQL 2000 SP2
Compaq DL380, Dual P3, 2GB memory
SoftPaq 5.50
Bios has not been upgraded to my knowledge

Veritas Version - 8.6 rev 3808
Not sure if I need to patch this to current level?
Not sure about how to tell what the agent version is?

Please reply if you have any information


Well, Once I deleted that directory that included the offending file, I no longer had reboots. It's been working fine ever since.
You may want to try what I did... I made a backup job with half the directories and ran that. If it rebooted, then I knew it was in that group. If it didn't then I knew it was one of the other half. I just kept doing this and dividing each group in half until I got down to just 3 directories. At that point, because they were small, I just decided to ZIP them up, and found that the server would reboot when WinZip accessed these files also.
This is something you'd have to do on a weekend or evening since you'll almost certainly be causing the server to reboot without being shut down.

I've been having the reboot problem for many months, using 8.5 server edition though. Just saw Controlman's posting about the offending file he found, which is a Norton Autoprotect file. Searched on Veritas site for issues with Norton and found TechNote ID: 245179 discussing problems with Veritas and Norton Corp Edition with auto protect enabled on a remote server. Going to try this tonight. Maybe this can help others?

Thank you very much - Please let us know if you isolate it -

I am running Norton AntiVirus on our servers as well so maybe this is the common thread?
One thing I have seen reboot Dell servers with tape drives/libraries attached: make sure the tape device is not attached via the Perc RAID SCSI controller. This is NOT supported by Backup Exec and I have seen it reboot a lot of Dell servers. If your tape device is attached to the PERC RAID SCSI controller, move it to a non-RAID SCSI controller immediately.

After applying the Norton patch, the phantom reboots have stopped. Now I get savedumps and messages in the event log and veritas logs about corrupt files when backing up nfs directories. So...I guess it did fix that particular issue. God, I love Veritas....
Like many of you I have been working on this problem since I installed Win2K SP3 on one of my servers. I run serveral without any issue...

I am using BackUp Exec 8.5 and I also had Norton AV Corp. Edition installed. I am currently working with Microsoft to resolve the issue.

Microsoft instructed me to uninstall NAV because of info they uncovered while looking at my memory.dmp file. I also disabled BackUp Exec for a week to make sure the server could run with out reboot. I went a solid week with no reboots.

I am now running the server with BackUp Exec which will run differential backups but not full backups. I too think there is a directory/folder or file that is causing the reboot. With NAV not being in the picture it looks like a file or folder is being accessed by BackUp Exec which then causes the BSOD. If I find a particular folder or set of files causing the problem I will post it.
Anybody using Remote Installation Services on the server experiencing the problem?
I use NAV CE 7x/8x w/BE 8.6 r3878 W2K SP3. I have always been told not to install any antivirus servers on a backup server. I guess this is why. BE does have it's own antivirus but I don't use since I hear it slows down backups.
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