When trying to access the webpage to put an Element Manager link on the desktop the customer is getting the page with this java message:
<applet CODE = "com.nortel.bcm.applet.AppletLauncherApplet.class" ARCHIVE = "Enforcer.jar" WIDTH = "765" HEIGHT = "365">
I had them verify that java was installed. I even had them reinstall JRE. Any suggestions? This is a new PC.
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
<applet CODE = "com.nortel.bcm.applet.AppletLauncherApplet.class" ARCHIVE = "Enforcer.jar" WIDTH = "765" HEIGHT = "365">
I had them verify that java was installed. I even had them reinstall JRE. Any suggestions? This is a new PC.
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)