I have went over the QOS with the network IT guy as Avaya requested in the doc. We are running one flat vlan with no router, static assigned IP address to all the BCM and voip phones. around 175 to 200 phones. codac is set G711 and G729 both set at 20 ms, TRO, TAD are on all the bcm. I have tryed turning on the QOS on the voip phones did not make a diffrence. I am just trying to get it to work as good as possable for the cust. I did look at 2 of the cust switches they are Dell Power connect 3548P not sure what the other schools are useing probley the same with this being a school just looking for any ideas that might help this cust. Been working with our Atac people making call and running wire shark when making calls. The echo is not allways there on all the calls. I went to Jr high made calls sound good then went to Technology bldg and sound good then echo started back. Maybe when the network starts getting loaded up the echo starts? Fiber between all schools. Thank you for any ideas you might have, at this point I would try anything that might make a inprovement. The echo starts after the call is connected for 4 sec then sounds good. I had one person make the comment to set the codac to G729 on all the bcm and ip phones and no auto neg the call will not sound as good but thought the echo would go away by fource to use G729 the call would sound more like a cell phone call. Any one with a though that might help inprove the VoIp call? Thanks