I purchased a 450 for my lab and it's DOA on arrival when it the ebay seller had it working.
It was the most pathetic shyte job of packaging ever.
The box was over sized, they used breast implants and one layer of tiny bubble rap.
When I went to open it:
-the top of the box was caved downward a couple inches
-the tape on the ends at the top fell off and the table down the middle (ONE STRIP ONLY!) was barely on
-a third of the implants had burst
-the BCM was sitting only on it's single tiny bubble rap layer
-I went to pull it out and an MBM fell out
-The brackets on both sides were bent almost backwards in a couple places
to top it off!
While watching my driveway camera, I witness the ^&%$^&&*%^%^$UR$%E$ that delivered it slam it down like it was a bag of cement on my cement stairs.
He was also the new mailman so I did not want to start anything with him or I may not get mail anymore.
What are the odds of being so extremely lucky to have this wonderful 450?
Anyway that's the background.
I went to power it up but no nothing except for:
Power Solid Red - Status Solid Red
No fans of any sort or other LED's come on.
I swapped power supplies with working ones, same issue
I swapped with a mint look BFT (untested) but this time:
Power Flashing Red - Status Flashing Red
While I sit perplexed, I want to suplex 2 schmucks
Any ideas?
From the BCM450 Install manual
System status LEDs states and descriptions.
Power Status Description
LED states seen during Start up sequence
Solid yellow Solid yellow Power applied to system
Solid yellow Off Power on self test (POST). Lasts for 9 seconds.
Solid yellow Solid yellow System initializing (lasts 14 seconds).
Solid green Solid yellow Kernel initialization (lasts 8 seconds)or Safe OS.
Solid green Blink yellow Waiting for user input on Multi-image hard drive CLI
Solid red Solid red Image installation in progress (Multiimage hard drive)
Solid red Blink red Error during image installation (Multiimage hard drive)
Solid green Blink green Services initializing (lasts 1 minute).
Solid green Solid green Normal operation.
Solid green Solid red Services initialization failed.
LED states seen during Safe Mode start up sequence
Solid red Solid green System running with factory default settings enabled.
Solid red Solid red System running in Software Reset mode.
Solid red Blink yellow System running in Configuration Reset mode.
LED states seen during shut down sequence or failure
Solid green Blink yellow Graceful shutdown in progress.
Off Solid yellow Graceful shutdown completed.
Solid red Blink yellow Overheat detected. Thermal
shutdown completed.
Solid red Solid red Power spike or Rail power fluctuation detected.
Blink red Solid red Rail power fluctuation. Power Monitor Shutdown completed.
Solid yellow Solid red Power spike shutdown completed (temperature and Rail power ok).
Off Off No power, system is shut down
(power cable is disconnected
Start-up Profile LED states (seen only during initial system install or staging)
Blink Yellow Blink Yellow Start-up Profile executing.
Solid Green Solid Green Start-up Profile successfully applied.
Blink Yellow Blink Red Start-up Profile failure.
Toronto, Canada
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It was the most pathetic shyte job of packaging ever.
The box was over sized, they used breast implants and one layer of tiny bubble rap.
When I went to open it:
-the top of the box was caved downward a couple inches
-the tape on the ends at the top fell off and the table down the middle (ONE STRIP ONLY!) was barely on
-a third of the implants had burst
-the BCM was sitting only on it's single tiny bubble rap layer
-I went to pull it out and an MBM fell out
-The brackets on both sides were bent almost backwards in a couple places
to top it off!
While watching my driveway camera, I witness the ^&%$^&&*%^%^$UR$%E$ that delivered it slam it down like it was a bag of cement on my cement stairs.
He was also the new mailman so I did not want to start anything with him or I may not get mail anymore.
What are the odds of being so extremely lucky to have this wonderful 450?
Anyway that's the background.
I went to power it up but no nothing except for:
Power Solid Red - Status Solid Red
No fans of any sort or other LED's come on.
I swapped power supplies with working ones, same issue
I swapped with a mint look BFT (untested) but this time:
Power Flashing Red - Status Flashing Red
While I sit perplexed, I want to suplex 2 schmucks
Any ideas?
From the BCM450 Install manual
System status LEDs states and descriptions.
Power Status Description
LED states seen during Start up sequence
Solid yellow Solid yellow Power applied to system
Solid yellow Off Power on self test (POST). Lasts for 9 seconds.
Solid yellow Solid yellow System initializing (lasts 14 seconds).
Solid green Solid yellow Kernel initialization (lasts 8 seconds)or Safe OS.
Solid green Blink yellow Waiting for user input on Multi-image hard drive CLI
Solid red Solid red Image installation in progress (Multiimage hard drive)
Solid red Blink red Error during image installation (Multiimage hard drive)
Solid green Blink green Services initializing (lasts 1 minute).
Solid green Solid green Normal operation.
Solid green Solid red Services initialization failed.
LED states seen during Safe Mode start up sequence
Solid red Solid green System running with factory default settings enabled.
Solid red Solid red System running in Software Reset mode.
Solid red Blink yellow System running in Configuration Reset mode.
LED states seen during shut down sequence or failure
Solid green Blink yellow Graceful shutdown in progress.
Off Solid yellow Graceful shutdown completed.
Solid red Blink yellow Overheat detected. Thermal
shutdown completed.
Solid red Solid red Power spike or Rail power fluctuation detected.
Blink red Solid red Rail power fluctuation. Power Monitor Shutdown completed.
Solid yellow Solid red Power spike shutdown completed (temperature and Rail power ok).
Off Off No power, system is shut down
(power cable is disconnected
Start-up Profile LED states (seen only during initial system install or staging)
Blink Yellow Blink Yellow Start-up Profile executing.
Solid Green Solid Green Start-up Profile successfully applied.
Blink Yellow Blink Red Start-up Profile failure.

Toronto, Canada
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