I cannot login to my BCM 400 suddenly - it worked fine this morning, and now, it's not allowing me in. I can login to BCM Monitor with the SAME user ID and password (ee_admin + the password I KNOW it should be).
I tried to telnet into the box, and I cannot login as ee_admin, but, I recall there being another user ID for that...but can't remember / locate that right now.
I also tried to login to the System "wizards" page, but that is also not allowing me to login as "ee_admin".
I CAN login with Feat**SYSTEM (797836), but that doesn't really give me the access that I need.
I'm running v3.6 or v3.7 - I don't remember - and I have found that these versions don't allow for any back-door or resets...
Right now...the only thing that allows me to login as ee_admin is "BCMMonitor.exe"
I tried to telnet into the box, and I cannot login as ee_admin, but, I recall there being another user ID for that...but can't remember / locate that right now.
I also tried to login to the System "wizards" page, but that is also not allowing me to login as "ee_admin".
I CAN login with Feat**SYSTEM (797836), but that doesn't really give me the access that I need.
I'm running v3.6 or v3.7 - I don't remember - and I have found that these versions don't allow for any back-door or resets...
Right now...the only thing that allows me to login as ee_admin is "BCMMonitor.exe"