Technical User
( *NOTE: this post is related to my previous post:
Stop 0X00000078/Boot Failure/Other Bizarre Problems )
My System was back to the Shop/Vendor again. ( Would not boot past Post, Windows Startup Mode Selection Screen, Windows Presentation Screen and the Stop Error listed above. )
1) I requested complete hardware diagnostics. They did none of this!
They said that they thought that the BIOS Settings are being lost;( but they did not replace the battery! )
2) I was told that one simple BIOS Setting was changed, and it booted right up>
?? ( why would a BIOS Setting Loss ONLY affect 'one simple BIOS Setting'? Date/Time were fine.)
Supposedly,it ran fine.
3)*( I don't know if it did boot up or not; and, I have not been able to get info on exactly what that 'one simple BIOS Setting' was.)
4) As soon as I got it back home, same problems again and won't Boot no matter what I have tried.
Shop/Vendor keeps emailing me different BIOS Settings to try; none of which work.
5) *( I have NOT seen any BIOS Setting change or loss following shutdown; tested after a few minutes, a few hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, and more than 24 hours. I don't believe that there has been a BIOS loss. )
6) CPU is now consistently overheating, and the CPU fan is inoperative; ( within 5 to 10 minutes it goes from 42C, to over 92C ( auto shutoff shortly after this temp ).
7) (*Note: This CPU has overheated previously with this GigaByte mobo after the Shop/Vendor removed it from the Intel mobo, and installed it on this mobo ( when I got it home; no mention of this from them. )
It also overheated previously on the Intel mobo. ( I have always been suspicious of a bad CPU; same CPU both mobos, and everything else was replaced. )
The overheating/lack of fan operation was always erratic; sometimes fan, sometimes not, sometimes overheating fast with fan operation, sometimes overheating after a relatively long time system running ( with fan operation ); and sometimes not overheating ( with fan operating ) at all during time period tested.
CPU/heatsink/fan, tabs, connections are all tight/seated.
???Is this a bad CPU for sure? Shop/Vendor keeps telling me that it is just fine.