This might be a little short as posting quickly before I have to run out of the office.
IPO 500 V1 running latest version 9. Just got a new B179 SIP conference phone. COnfigured per this link:
The phone registers correctly (configrmed in system monitor), and when calling the handsets extension these calls can be received without any issue.
However no luck when trying to make outbound calls from the handset. If I call either other internal extension numbers, or external numbers, the B179 actually makes a ringing sound from its speakers, but the phones I am calling out to do not receive any call.
Not sure where to start looking with this issue?
IPO 500 V1 running latest version 9. Just got a new B179 SIP conference phone. COnfigured per this link:
The phone registers correctly (configrmed in system monitor), and when calling the handsets extension these calls can be received without any issue.
However no luck when trying to make outbound calls from the handset. If I call either other internal extension numbers, or external numbers, the B179 actually makes a ringing sound from its speakers, but the phones I am calling out to do not receive any call.
Not sure where to start looking with this issue?