We have a new Avaya IP Office 500 with the UC module (vmail pro). Our telehone set environment is mixed bag, most are Nortel model 7208 / 7310 sets. Several of the Nortel users have been experiencing a clicking sound when listenig to their vmail messages. We have stopped and started the voice mail system, performed a complete shut down on the Avaya IP Office PBX. That did not resolve the issue. None of the users with an Avaya IP phone have a problem, it is only a selected few who use the Nortel phones.
We purchased the Avaya system on the grey market, and Avaya will not provide support. The vendor who sold the unit, does not know the system very well and their supplier has never heard of the problem and their recommendation was to reboot the system, start/stop the vmail service. All of which we have done.
Has anyone else with a similar mixed bad phone set environment (Nortel / Avaya) had similar issues?
We purchased the Avaya system on the grey market, and Avaya will not provide support. The vendor who sold the unit, does not know the system very well and their supplier has never heard of the problem and their recommendation was to reboot the system, start/stop the vmail service. All of which we have done.
Has anyone else with a similar mixed bad phone set environment (Nortel / Avaya) had similar issues?