I have recently noticed a problem with my Arcserver application when attempting to restore a directory. Somehow, I am unable to restore anything prior to 1/31/02. This was the last time I performed a full system restore and placed it on an off-site tape. Now, all my backup jobs are running successfully and are performing a prune and purge nightly. I can perform a restore by session and restore the ENTIRE session successfully. But if I try to double-click to scroll down throught the session tree, I get the message that there are no items to display. If I try to do a restore by tree, the structure is the same as when I last performed a backup on 1/31/02. I have tried to merge my last good backup but have had no luck. I can verify that the backups are successful, but somehow the database is unable to reflect that information. Any ideas would be appreciated on how to resolve this issue?????????