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Arcserve 2000 vs. Backup Exec 8.6, which is better??

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Oct 3, 2001
We are migrating to Windows 2000 from Netware and I looking for anyones input about Backup Exec 8.6 and/or Arcserve 2000, comments on thruput and reliability would be great. Id also be interested in comments about disaster recovery? how did these products perform in the real world?

thanks in advance

Look at thread481-105701 . James P. Cottingham

I am the Unknown lead by the Unknowing.
I have done so much with so little
for so long that I am now qualified
to do anything with nothing.
thanks, I have ordered the trial version of backup exec.
Well, all I can is from what I have seen, BE has gone through many different companies hands hindering it's development. I would take a serious look at ARC. Some of the things that I can't do with BE are: when restoring files, the interface is cumbersome. It's hardly intuitive. Doesn't give you a very easy and quick method for pulling a tape and restoring a file... You have to work at it a bit... Not impossible, just cumbersome. Migration is a factor. We are in the process of migrating from one version to another, and we have to export our DB's to our newer version 8.5, and there is no simple way(no import/export option on the file menu) to do this.

Please, check out ARC!
ArcServe tape database is crap and has a tendancy to blow up - I have seen this at several companies I have worked at. Nothing worse than when you are under the deadline to get important file(s) restored and you need to wait a few hours while a tape catalog rebuilds. ArcServe problems are pretty standardized and typical, whereas BackupExec, each time you have a problem, it seems much different than any other problem you may have ever had in the past. BackupExec support is pretty decent as long as you are paying for it - ArcServe is crap - you sit and wait forever for them to call you back, and if you aren't their, sorry, you go back to the beginning of the queue.
We have used both software backup software solutions. We prefer Veritas backup exec. It is much simipler and easier to use and manange. We currently use a DLT tape backup drive.

In terms of disaster recovery, I'm not 100% sure. Our business was effected by the September 11th events. Our offices are located 2 blocks away from the trade centers. Our site was still standing, but we had no electricity, internet service or telephones for a number of weeks after the attack.

If you were to have a fire, using a tape drive method you could have your business up and running within a week or two. (YOu would need to buy the server, device and restore the infomration to the drive).

Luckily this was not our case. The problem was getting information off of the drive is slow at best. For short term soltions. The system works fine for DATA recovery (ie a file/e-mail was accidently deleted) but not to get your business up and running within days of a disaster.

we are currently investigating on-line backup solutions for our email and files (in addition to our tape backup). The goal is to be up and running within days (not weeks) of a disaster.

If anyone can recommend any online providers that can back up files, and most importantly email let me know.

Thank you.

I've installed BE in 2 companies, V8.0 in one and 8.6 in another. I am therefore a great fan. The knowledge base is good and actually resolves the problem once you find the right article, searching it can be a bit of a pain though. Arcserve was installed at the company I am currently at and no-one knew how to work the software, it had been installed by contractors. When I tried to make it work I had a nightmare and eventually got the funding to buy BE, each to there own and everything but I find BE far easier to work with and when it errors you can find a solution, Arcserve just failed in my experience and wouldn't tell you why. When I later spoke to the contractor who had installed the software his response to queries was, "oh yeah it tends to fail and not give any errors, just run another backup" - great backup strategy!!!

Personally I wouldn't touch Arcserve, (I'm sure there are those who would say that about BE) BE is easy to install, free for 60 days (it appears you've already been told that) and it works in my experience, it backs up the files and you can restore them.

I am still unclear exactly what I have to buy for Backup Exec 8.6. I have four Win2K servers, one of them running SQL. Can one package backup all four servers to a single drive? Sorry to be the novice here.
I would definetely go for BackupExec 8.6, it is more user friendly, quicker at backing up and restoring. You will need to buy along with BE 8.6, the agent for SQL which allows backups for SQL Server and data etc
I assume, as well, that the backup software and drive will reside on one machine, and that each OTHER machine in the farm needs a remote server agent, right? From their web site, and the web site of resellers, it is difficult to tell.
I use both of them, and by far I prefer to deal with Arcserve 2000 then BE. First by the support, second by the installation and third the network deployment ( much easier ). AS is extremelly reliable and the agents provide a easy to restore no headache type of application. I recomend to install on a dedicated machine ( win 2000 pro ) and you'll enjoy it

Adrien Amaral
Senior Integrator/Unix Administrator
I have loaded and am running BE and arcserve in different companies. I find that setting up arcserve can be difficult with lic. etc.but it is the best way to recover your info. fast and clean. With BE it is easy to install but it can be vary hard and sometimes imposable to recover data. Try to explain that to your costomer. thanks
To be honest. AND I MEAN HONEST. Backup exec just doesn't cut it for me. It's just not right. Some restores can be such a pain.... Using drivers to access devices, an apparent IDR which is actually quite difficult and as mentioned above doesn't even suit the needs of a real Disaster (quote: September 11th). ARCserve has DR that works, however is not without its complications either.

The nitty gritty of it all is that they both backup, and they both restore. CA's tech support is slow, but its free. Veritas I heard is good, but you have to pay for it.

It's really up to you. Sit down, play with BOTH products, and see which one makes you "feel" something.

About Dell boy. ARCserve has one of the best error messaging systems I have ever seen! I am sure if the job failed, all you would have to do is click on the ACTIVITY log and you'll have your full explanation. These contractors you speak of just don't have a clue, and I wouldn't judge a product over what Mr. Joe Bloggs says after stuffing up his install and not knowing what he is doing, and therefore blaming it on the software. CA and Veritas both have a large and informative Tech support Site.


Happy choosing.

guru - brightstor@hotmail.com
We use both ARCServe and Veritas and in my experience ARCServe has been more reliable and dependable for our backup purposes. ARCServe backup jobs rarely fail where Veritas seems to have problems with some tapes and constantly need to be monitered.. At least the version we use...don't know it off hand.
The best person to decide on products is you. At the end of the day your company's data is what is important. Why not test the product(s) before purchasing.

You can download and install Backup Exec 8.6

BENT v8.6 build 3878 (Intel) (English)

This is the full version which has a 60 day evaluation period after installation. You can add serial numbers later if you choose to purchase it. The online documentation is clear and easy to understand.
I have used both products in NT/2000 environments. Arcserve has more problems, requries more patching, and their tech support is the worst. We were a reseller for CA products and as such used to get free tech support for our clients, well CA recently cut that and now, if we have to call on behalf of our clients who are having a problem, one of us has to pay$$$$

Veritas on the other hand, is a dream to work with by comparison. It has much fewer problems, and their tech support is much better.

Of course this is from my experience, everyone elses will be different. You need to try both products and judge for yourself, ultimately.

I use backupExec 8.6 on three Win2k servers, one of which is an exchange server (with the exchange module).

The system works fine, the interface takes a bit of getting used to, but once you're up and running, everything works very well.


To be is to do (Sartre)
To do is to be (Casmus)
Do be do be do (Sinatra)
I used both products. IMO ArcServe is a much better product.

1. I have expereince certain libaries do not work with BE.

2. I have seem BE not able to recover server system files. And no errors during backup!!!???

3. BE is just too plain and I cannot customize it.

4. My biggest loath about BE is it's Exchange and SQL backup. I have many problems and running into their limitation many times. Be Aware if you plan to use this product to backup exchange or SQL!!!!

And Veritas marketing materials are just too fun to read. They will quote so and so from Oracle ,Microsoft or some major company talking about something which was totally unrelated to the product they are trying to market!!!

And when I am trying to buy from veritas direct Sales they want to know who my clients are.

Jeffrey C. Toms

My company uses Arcserv and we are having all kinds of problems with it. Sql agent works great, but installing and getting the exchange agent to work takes an act of god. I've been working with their tech support for weeks to no avail. BTW they want you to buy a 5 pack of incident calls for almost $500 and upgrade protection for $500. Oh yeah almost forgot version 8.0 is comming out in April. Also anyone use inoculatit? CA's virus product, scan it with norton and see all the virus's innoculateit misses.
I think CA definatly has some quality control issues, but
Veritas does not sound much better. I guess I'll have my customers come here.
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