My boss at an old job was amused when I told her that her name, Karen Mathews, could be anagrammed to New Shark Meat.
One small company I worked at, pulseMD, ran out of funding and had to declare bankruptcy. One could say that it slumped.
A friend of mine can't decide if he'd rather be called The Darn Bear or The Dear Barn, since neither is totally flattering.
My own name, ESquared, has the anagram, Quad Seer which obviously means, I may be E2, but I'm also Seer4 (evidently some kind of sage or visionary)! Perhaps Rad-esque works, too.
Rather than search the internet for such anagrams, how about inventing them yourself? I find that the "candidate word list" option at Wordsmith.Org's Anagram Server can be quite helpful.
Speaking of which, Internet Anagram Server = I, Rearrangement Servant. But I can't take credit for that one.
One small company I worked at, pulseMD, ran out of funding and had to declare bankruptcy. One could say that it slumped.
A friend of mine can't decide if he'd rather be called The Darn Bear or The Dear Barn, since neither is totally flattering.
My own name, ESquared, has the anagram, Quad Seer which obviously means, I may be E2, but I'm also Seer4 (evidently some kind of sage or visionary)! Perhaps Rad-esque works, too.
Rather than search the internet for such anagrams, how about inventing them yourself? I find that the "candidate word list" option at Wordsmith.Org's Anagram Server can be quite helpful.
Speaking of which, Internet Anagram Server = I, Rearrangement Servant. But I can't take credit for that one.