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amd 1.2GHz processor temperature 3

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May 15, 2001
Does anyone know what temperature range the amd 1.2 should comfortably work in? I am having a few problems with mine and I think they are heat related. The temp is around 40 degrees C at idle but after 5 mins on full load it sits at around 75 C. Is this too hot?
I have a mini super orb with twin fans for cooling.
oh heck yes.

I'm going to speak in Farenheit, so dont get confused, AMD typically will see that generic temperatures, are around 117-120F full load, if your processor hits 150 thats the danger zone, 160F is like immediate death, so...

if you are getting upto 75C , thats 165F and thats WAAAAY TOO HOT!

you are using a Heatsink and Fan yes? , you are checking to see if the fan spins yes? you do have a Room temperature least below 95? Karl Blessing aka kb244{fastHACK}
I must answer yes to all your questions ( I live in the UK and its cold in here!!). Could the processor be faulty and that is why it is running so hot?. I get random reboots with it and when I first installed it I had one hell of a time trying to get any operating system to load.
one thing you may want to check, is to make sure the heatsink is firmly placed on the CPU, and that no air gaps exist, a very hot CPU in a cold case, usally means there is a pocket of air heating up between the heatsink and the CPU. Karl Blessing aka kb244{fastHACK}
You may want to check what you are measuring the temp with also. I've heard that those devices aren't always accurate. You may want to take the case off and try to measure it directly just to be sure that it really is that hot. Justin

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"3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the population."
he reports instability, which makes me belive it is that hot, if he's using the Via Hardware Monitor, thats rather accurate. if using syssoft sandra, it can be off almost 10C or show your mobo temp as your CPU temp, in either case, neither should be near 75C (you want to keep it near 40C) Karl Blessing aka kb244{fastHACK}
maybe you should mount a fire extinguisher on your pc. hehe

do you have those two fans blowing IN the pc?
are you overclocking your cpu?
are you using heat transfer compound? (probably not, right)
even if you aren't the temperature shouldn't be that high.
i would suggest using Arctic Silver II, it's guaranteed to drop the temp 3 to 7 degrees.

make sure you are absolutly sure that you are using the correct fan. is it rated for the 1.2Ghz athlon?

i have an athlon 1Ghz with internal speeds of 266mhz. little basterd gets a little hot so i put on arctic silver 2, i have one 8cm case fan blowing in from back. one 8cm case fan blowing in from front, and one blowing the air up and out. it's running at 35 C right now. The fan blowing the air up dropped the cpu temperature 8 degrees, i couldn't beleive it.
Thanks for the replies. I just have a standard middle case with no extra fans in it. The mini super orb is rated for the athlon 1200 (according to the wholesalers!). Both fans are spinning at 5000 RPM and the connectors can only go on the Motherboard one way so the fans are turning in the correct direction.
And I also am NOT using any heat transfer compound. To test the temp I am using the via hardware monitor. I place full load on the processor using ud agent for anti cancer research and then my temperature rockets.

Could it be faulty and that is why it is getting so hot?
If so it is still under warranty and I would like to send it back to the wholesalers.

Thank you again for your sensible answers and time.
I always thought mine was running a bit warm cos it hits about 50 under load. This is probably caused by the fact my case is a bit cramped. You could definitly do with AT LEAST two case fans. An 80mm blowing air in the front and another sucking it out at the back (this seems to work best for my PC, but it's always a case of trial and error).

I also live in the UK, and these cool nights when the outside temps got down to about 3/4 C I've had the case off and stuck my comp up right next to the wide open window. That's made such a huge diff. Temps of 35 under load!! Worth a try as a tempory fix while you sort the case out maybe!? It's good when it's not raining anyway!

Hope some of that is useful! Oh yeh, and you should really get some Arctic Silver II. Go to for some, it's only about 6 quid (free p+p for a change!) and'll do for 7 or 8 applications.

Good luck
I REALLY want to thank you guys for your input. I took delivery of arctic silver 2 and installed it?

I made the processor take full load for over 1 hour and the temp is stable at around 50C. Thank you again for saving me frying my processor!
I had the same problem, and I must had bought 4 or 5 different types of coolers until I said the heck with this and went to coolerguys.com and bought the windtunnel 2 case, and an alpha cooler, now I have my chip running at about 90F, which was much better than 150F, I'll tell you this though you walk into the local computer store and tell them this program they look at you like what the heck is this guy doing... when infact I am running a straight amd 1.0 gig and not overclocking, cooling is becoming a serious issue and the chip makers better realize this soon... next I will be going to water cooling if I have 2.....

"It's the year 2000. But where are the flying cars? I was promised flying cars! I don't see any flying cars! Why? Why? Why?"
I have a Pentium 3 600...runs at 27degrees!!hehehehe!! Seriously though, glad you got it sorted-heat sink compound rules!!
Yeah, that fella saying about the pentium 3 600 running at 27 degrees, my last comp was a p2 450mhz and that used to run very cool (around the low 30`s) ive recently bought an Athlon 1.2g 200mhz and a ga-7ixe4 motherboard(the 2nd one a bad move i know now)and i bought some crappy cpu fan and sink that said it was for upto 1.2g (on the limit )my temps were in the upper 60 lower 70c (cooking)i had to clock it down to reduce the temp (1080mhz) so i paid 30 squid for a decent fan and heatsink, bought an exhaust fan and used the old fan from the cpu to suck some extra air in ( i turned it round) and now im back upto 1.2 and my temp is down to 40-45 but with another decent inlet fan im confident i can reduce it more. the bottom line is these one gig and up athlon genarate a awful lot of heat. Note i also had a celeron 566 and that was similar temps to the pentium.One other thing i noticed a drop of about 8 degrees when the side of the case was open (i also live in the uk)
nothing only if you use The fan and high power heat sink the amd is the best prosseser and not heat up and hang or any fatal raaer
I have a 1.2gig myself (normal settings). under full load (Folding@home) i can go at 62-65celcisus. Idle it's about 54-55celcius. I got a Chromo orb. I got a Antec Sx-830 casing wich have a smart fan power supply, 2 additional 8cms fan pulling air out at the back nicelly positioned at the level of the cpu, and 1 in front pushing air trough my two hds (1x7200rpm, 1x5400rpm). Is 63-64celicus (136-140F) bad enough? The chrome orb have (by default) some kind of thermal compound. What is not helping is the pc room. It's not always cool. My girlfriend have the exact same pc as me in the same room.
You are running too hot. I followed all the advice in this thread of the forum and my processor now runs at 51 celcius on full load all day long. A far cry from 75!!
I recommend cleaning off the compound stuff that is on there and getting some arctic II. That really made a difference for me. Listen to these guys as they know what they are talking about!

Thanks again all!
Such great info - wow!
I also, just purchased a 1.2 AMD with ECS mb.
I had to use a reg ball fan with the CPU, because
my chrome orb could not fit in the ECS MB- damn!
CAPs were in the way.

Anywho, the reg fan is ok, I guess. Spins at 4500-4800.
92F Idle and 130F Load

I have to tell this story, even though it blows my mind that I did it!
I was so pis%% that I couldn't use the orb. I bent some of the fins on the orb to get it by the
CAPs on the motherboard - ( it still didn't fit well even after I did that)
And here is the major ~BOING~ When seating the ORB over the CPU,
I pressed a bit to hard, and *BAM* I chipped the CPU die- just a bit -:( Oh man...
-Ps. Chip still works fine- Thank The LORD. the chip is on outside corner.

I thought I was going to have a hart attack right on the spot!
Slot As, to me, seemed so much easier in a way.
I had a huge ORB on my Slot A Athlon. No problems.
These new gig + > chips seem to get so darn H@T under load.

Whelp- sorry for talking my head off !

I just wanted to say, this is a fine discussion group- and I learned, one heck of a lot!

I got a lttle worried there when the first guy said that he wasn't using thermal compound at all!! yikes!!
It seems to me that the PC whole salers are either ignorant about the heat issues of 1gig plus CPU's or they just don't want to know!
Everybody selling these hot chips need to tell there customers about the thermal modifications required to run them reliably, a standard heatsink/fan and one fan middy case are just not up to the job!!
SO ALL SPREAD THE WORD!! I have heard some excellant thermal discussions within this forum, it's about time everyone new about them!!
My local PC parts supplier doesn't even posess a tube of heatsink paste, and he must be selling 40 plus 1 gig and above T/birds a week!! and building a dozen or so high end systems. Are they thick or are we just too clever for our own good?? No wonder they get so many processors returned!!!!!!!!!!!!!
POsted previously here. I have 1.2AMD, ANTEC Sx-830 casing,ASUS A7V133, Antec smart power supply, 2 antec 80mm fans back 1 80mm front (pushing cool air in). Had a Chrome orb. Had temp of 57celcius idle and 62-64celius full load (Folding@home) now I have a GlobalWin FOP32-1 with Artic II termal coumpound and I only have a drop of 2-3celius Max idle or full load. What the...???
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