In the ServiceDesk vector, we want to create an after hours vector, where if someone calls between 7pm and 7am, it will get routed out to another vector. Pretty simple.
However, this after hours vector they want to set it up to ring to two cell phones, and if neither answer, ultimately go to a voicemail.
For example, it should first ring to 1-803-555-1212 and if they do not pick up, it should ring to 1-308-222-1515. If the second cell phone doesn't pick up, they want it to be transferred to a voicemail box.
I set up Station 2865 as a virtual station to auto-forward all calls to 1-803-555-1212.
I set up Station 2866 as a virtual station to auto-forward all calls to 1-308-222-1515.
I set up Station 2867 as a virtual station to go directly to voicemail.
I set up Coverage Path 8 to ring 3 times to 2865, three times to 2866, then one time to 2867.
I then set up Station 2868 as a virtual station to go directly to Coverage Path 8.
I am able to call 2865, 2866 and 2867 individually and the calls go through. When I call x2868, I am only getting a busy signal. Any thoughts?

However, this after hours vector they want to set it up to ring to two cell phones, and if neither answer, ultimately go to a voicemail.
For example, it should first ring to 1-803-555-1212 and if they do not pick up, it should ring to 1-308-222-1515. If the second cell phone doesn't pick up, they want it to be transferred to a voicemail box.
I set up Station 2865 as a virtual station to auto-forward all calls to 1-803-555-1212.
I set up Station 2866 as a virtual station to auto-forward all calls to 1-308-222-1515.
I set up Station 2867 as a virtual station to go directly to voicemail.
I set up Coverage Path 8 to ring 3 times to 2865, three times to 2866, then one time to 2867.
I then set up Station 2868 as a virtual station to go directly to Coverage Path 8.
I am able to call 2865, 2866 and 2867 individually and the calls go through. When I call x2868, I am only getting a busy signal. Any thoughts?