I would like to add some virtual servers to a pre-existing MetaFrame 4.0 farm (physical servers). Can I build them with 4.5, one would be the new 4.5 license server, and have them co-exist in the farm with the old 4.0 servers?? I would like to move our licenses over to the 4.5 server. I want only one liecense server, and I do not want to split up the licenses.
Or do I have to create a new 4.5 farm? (I know I probably should) I would think someone else has tried this along the line somewhere. I guess the goal would be that over time I would slowly phase out the older 4.0 servers (which are physical servers) and replace them all with virtual servers.
Or do I have to create a new 4.5 farm? (I know I probably should) I would think someone else has tried this along the line somewhere. I guess the goal would be that over time I would slowly phase out the older 4.0 servers (which are physical servers) and replace them all with virtual servers.