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ActiveX Document Can't be viewed from another machine 1

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Aug 25, 2000
I have compiled an ActiveX Document dll for internet distribution and put all three files (doc.vbd, doc.dll, project.cab) on our webserver together with a .html page in which there is an object tag and a link to the .vbd file.
The problem is, when I access this page from my own machine on which I developed this document, there's no problem. I can write links like " and view my ActiveX Document. But when I move to another machine on the same intranet and write the same address, I get a pop up asking me whether I want to download this vbd file or open it there. And when I choose open it there, it just comes up with a list of programs. Headache, headache!
Anyone knows how to solve this problem??
Your problem is due to the Internet Explorer Security settings. Lower the settings and it will install just fine.
The same thing happened to me except I dont have a list ,, I did lower the security options but still I cant view it please somebody help
Hi All,

See the following KB article for details:

HOWTO: Test Your ActiveX Documents (.VBD)

The problem you are encountering is due to the lack of the VB runtimes on your test machines. Your development machine has VB installed and thereby has the runtimes. Jon Hawkins

The World Is Headed For Mutiny,
When All We Want Is Unity. - Creed
But this is the real world! Most of the Internet users do NOT have VB on their machines. That's why the .cab file will go to the Microsoft site and fetch the VB runtime file when the installation is initiated. But it never goes that far on our machines.
hi ,, thanks , but stll have a problem

if one machine has windows98 and the other has NT 4 workstation ,, may this cause the problem ??

another thing: in the html that has been created by the wizard , there is no class id for any of those activex document ,, could it be a reason ??

please if any body know....help
I am working on this, too. If I find an answer I'll let you know. Please inform me if you get an good info. Thanks.


PS the pat answers from MS like lower your security level in IE just do not work.
I am currently running into the same problem (runs fine on developer machine, when run generated .htm file and select link to the .vbd file, IE asks if I want to open the file or save it to disk). No solution yet, but some clues...

If I register the project's EXE file on the client computer (by running it from the Run prompt on the start menu), I am then able to view the .vbd with no problem. So this appears to be a registry issue. What I don't understand is, navigating to the .vbd from the .htm file is supposed to extract that EXE file from the CAB file and install it on the client computer. That does not appear to happen.

IE Security settings have no affect on this issue. Problem occurs on client machines with either Win2000 or Win98.

Hope this helps, if anyone has any other info let me know...
Good news and bad news:
Good, I got my activex document to work on other machines. It was a combination of things so I will share what I did. Lowering the security on the browser is important. Set it low the first time so the user's browser can download your files. Also, the application modules seemed to need to be registered on the Web server. This happened by accident when the system guy tried to run my app from the server which caused the modules to be registered. A much better way to accomplish this would be to the software known as Posting Acceptor running on the IIS server. You need admin rights but then you can use the VB deployment wizard to deploy directly to the server and all module registration is automatically taken care of. Hope this makes some sense.
Bad, I had to toss out my app! Since it accessed an Oracle database every client machine had to have the Oracle drivers installed and this cannot be done automatically thru the browser. I ended up with an app that looked like an internet app but had to be deployed like a client/server app. Microsoft verified this. I would have had to go to each client to install the drivers. When drivers changed this would be an across the board update. New users would require intitial hand holding etc. Forget it, not what I wanted.
Bottom line, you can develop an app that looks like an internet app using ActiveX documents but if you do any file access it will deploy like a client server app.
Feel free to ask for clarification: jreed@cabq.gov
I am with you mimi,
I have developed an activex document and I have been trying
to run it from the client side on the company's intranet for weeks now with no luck.
I have my boss asking me what's up with that,
It looks and runs great from the developers machine
but it is worthless on the other end.

Even when I have saved the project on the server
as well as all the forms and compiled the documents
and even deployed the application on the same server
No luck.
If anyone has anything please let us know!!!


try creating web package using deployment tool in vb.the problem is because when we create a component on our pc its registry is created but on the other machines this registry entry is missing.other option is to use command regsrv32 with .dll file as parameter to run ur component on other machine.but to make ur component available on web server u have to craete a package only.do let me know if u are able to do it at sifars@sify.com.
There is a same kind of problem,except that i am not using the webserver for .cab file as it is a prototype project.
what i am actually doing is i am creating the .cab file and putting it in the test system.Even after i giving the class ID as well as hard coding the path of the codebase in the html file i am not able to view the .vbd file.It just displays the window download dialog box.And nothing happens.
Please if some one find solution for this above problem reply to me.
I am also having the same problem. This seems like a known issue that Microsoft doesnt have a clue on how to fix. The problem is that the registry does not recognize the vbd extension.
Well boys and girls finally the answer to how make your VBDocuments works on machines conected in a intranet or internet is to simply just sign yor .cabs files!

how do that well.. write me for details
Dido, how do I sign my cab file. I am having this problem but I can not get much information on how to sign a cab file.
Hi there ,

We had this problem, I asked about it for you guys and the developer said he had tried all sorts of things, until he realised that an old .vbd worked, so he basically repackaged his stuff until it worked, sorry it is a little weird but in our case it worked.

Hope it works.

Thank you MHumphrey, it works but it is a pain to say the least. Microsoft probably really does not care though. But I still like there software. I still need to find a way to sign my cab for free or at least cheap.
the following step can make your activex document work,
1. mostly you will start with Activex Document DLL project
2. when you finish the project, compile the project and create a .DLL file
3. use package and deployment wizard to generate a Internet application package, pls. note you have to include all the dll necessary to you project. this step will generate all the file you need to publish teh document, such as .cab ....
4. in the package directory, there is a .htm file, publish that directory and use .htm to get in

the only thing is the .cab file is very big, cause it would include VB runtime, some control dll. will cause user some time to download. i am wording if the internet user with dialup connection will abide this big download?
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