I am using VB 6.0 and Crystal Reports 7 in a networked environment. Our data is stored in Access '97. I am ready to put a new system into production. The last step we did was to 'secure' the database that will be used. Before the database was secured everything worked fine. After the database was secured, both VB and Crystal Reports could not access the data saying there was a permissons problem. I found the VB solution so I can now access the data through data entry screens. I still need to be able to access the data through Crystal Reports(which runs through my VB applicaiton). When my VB application calls the crystal report, I get the following three error messages in order:<br><br>Not all objects are granted sufficient rights to be accessed.<br><br>Error opening file. file could not be opend: "DISPTPTS", at file locaiton: "DISPTOTS"<br><br>Run-time error '-2177192179(8004728d)'" Erorr dected by database dll<br><br>I think the problem is Crystal Reports accessing the system.mdw problem. Our only solution right now is to leave the database unsecured which is not our first choice. Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.