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Accessing Secured Access '97 database

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Jun 9, 2000
I am using VB 6.0 and Crystal Reports 7 in a networked environment.&nbsp;&nbsp;Our data is stored in Access '97.&nbsp;&nbsp;I am ready to put a new system into production.&nbsp;&nbsp;The last step we did was to 'secure' the database that will be used.&nbsp;&nbsp;Before the database was secured everything worked fine.&nbsp;&nbsp;After the database was secured, both VB and Crystal Reports could not access the data saying there was a permissons problem.&nbsp;&nbsp;I found the VB solution so I can now access the data through data entry screens.&nbsp;&nbsp;I still need to be able to access the data through Crystal Reports(which runs through my VB applicaiton).&nbsp;&nbsp;When my VB application calls the crystal report, I get the following three error messages in order:<br><br>Not all objects are granted sufficient rights to be accessed.<br><br>Error opening file.&nbsp;&nbsp;file could not be opend: &quot;DISPTPTS&quot;, at file locaiton: &quot;DISPTOTS&quot;<br><br>Run-time error '-2177192179(8004728d)'&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;Erorr dected by database dll<br><br>I think the problem is Crystal Reports accessing the system.mdw problem.&nbsp;&nbsp;Our only solution right now is to leave the database unsecured which is not our first choice.&nbsp;&nbsp;Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.
Greetings.<br><br>I got around this problem by creating the Crystal Report via a ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) that I manually created.&nbsp;&nbsp;The DSN contains the name of the Access 97 database along with the User ID, password and System database name (system.mdw).<br><br>When my VB program is executed, it creates the DSN on the client's workstation with the above information.&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm using VB5 with Crystal Reports 7<br><br>If you need examples, please let me know.<br><br>
I was thinking about doing that ODBC thingie... but I wasn't sure how to do the drivers.  If you could post an example, that would be great. <br><br>   Thanks
Carol:<br><br>Here is the code that I use to create an ODBC data source name for MS Access 97 called Telecommunications:<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Str = &quot;Description=Telecommunications&quot; & _<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vbCr & &quot;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}&quot; & _<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vbCr & &quot;Dbq=r:\apps\access\facility\telecom97.mdb&quot; & _<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vbCr & &quot;SystemDB=r:\apps\access\facility\system.mdw&quot; & _<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vbCr & &quot;UID=chicago&quot; & _<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vbCr & &quot;PWD=gandalf&quot;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DBEngine.RegisterDatabase &quot;Telecommunications&quot;, _<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)&quot;, True, Str<br><br>This code is from a VB5 program.&nbsp;&nbsp;Please let me know if you need further information.<br><br>....Keyser<br>
I added the code for the driver and everything works great.&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks a lot for your help.&nbsp;&nbsp;Have you found any books/manuals that go into detail about how to use Crystal from withing VB?&nbsp;&nbsp;There are so many options and parameters, but they are not explained very well.&nbsp;&nbsp;I have figured out a lot of stuff just by guessing, it would be nice to have a real book.
Carol:<br><br>I haven't used any manuals other than what is provided with Crystal Reports, newsgroups and other websites.&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm in the same boat as you, kind of learning about the product as I go.<br><br>I did see a book on the Amazon website that might be of use to you:<br><br><A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> is a link to the book &quot;Crystal Reports 7:&nbsp;&nbsp;The Complete Reference Guide.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;There may be other books out there, but this one seems to get a high rating, especially if you plan on doing VB programming via Active X controls or API calls.&nbsp;&nbsp;Let me know what you think.<br><br>.... Kirk
Thanks, I'm going to have my agency order it...
Kirk,<br><br>Sorry to bother you...&nbsp;&nbsp;Now that I've swtiched to the ODBC drivers, my record selection formula which I passed from my VBapp to my report doesn't seen to work.&nbsp;&nbsp;It doesn't filter out any records:&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>&nbsp;ReportDA.RecordSelectionFormula = &quot;{baccomp.DATE} in &quot; _ &<br>&nbsp;frmGetDates.strbdate & &quot; to &quot; & frmGetDates.strEdate<br><br>I have the user enter the strbdate and edate in a form and build the formula from there.&nbsp;&nbsp;I inserted the recordselectionformula from the special fields on to the report so I could see if it go passed and the formula is there, it just doesn't do anything. It worked before I started using the ODBC drivers.<br><br>I feel like a dope.&nbsp;&nbsp;Got any ideas?<br><br>Carol
Carol:<br><br>Has your report been readjusted to use the ODBC connection?&nbsp;&nbsp;You can check this by going into Crystal Reports, open the report and go Database/Set Location.&nbsp;&nbsp;Your ODBC data source name should be listed for each table in the drop-down list.<br><br>Let me know if this solves your problem. :)<br><br>.... Kirk
Been there, done that....&nbsp;&nbsp;My connection was set for the ODBC thingie.&nbsp;&nbsp;This stinks.&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks for replying anyway.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm on vacation next week, so i don't really care that much for the moment....&nbsp;&nbsp;Of course this nonsense will still be waiting for me when I get back.&nbsp;&nbsp;Seriously, thanks for all your help.
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