I am trying to run a query that uses a where clause that points to a field on a form that contains tabs. On one of these tabs I have a sub form. On the where clause of the query I am trying to point to the field on the tab, but it does not seem to recognize it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Where clause:
WHERE ((([wpr_component].[Component ID])=form![wpr_components]!wpr_component_tab));
form with the tab is wpr_tab
subform on page two of the tab is wpr_components
field on wpr_components is wpr_component_tab
Where clause:
WHERE ((([wpr_component].[Component ID])=form![wpr_components]!wpr_component_tab));
form with the tab is wpr_tab
subform on page two of the tab is wpr_components
field on wpr_components is wpr_component_tab