You have been denied access to the requested resource.
>This may be because:
>* You do not have a valid Single Sign-On ID in your request, or
>* The account you used to log in is not granted the privileges >to access the requested resource.
>Click the following link to go back to the main navigation >page. You may be asked to log in again.
I get this message when trying to access the Element Manager. Has anyone seen this on their system? I am trying to get into the Element Manager and it goes between the above message and sometimes it will go to the local-login and put me into the Base Manager of the Signaling Server.
>This may be because:
>* You do not have a valid Single Sign-On ID in your request, or
>* The account you used to log in is not granted the privileges >to access the requested resource.
>Click the following link to go back to the main navigation >page. You may be asked to log in again.
I get this message when trying to access the Element Manager. Has anyone seen this on their system? I am trying to get into the Element Manager and it goes between the above message and sometimes it will go to the local-login and put me into the Base Manager of the Signaling Server.