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500v2 Combo Card can´t make analogue to IP calls

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Technical User
Aug 9, 2006

I haven´t touched IPO for two years now but decided to move form my SMOE to IPO550v2.
I have a combo card and a phone2.
I can´t make calls from my POT extensions to 1616 or 9630 phone. I´m able to place calls between those two but not sure why I´m directly going to voicemail once i´m trying analogue phones.
The IPO is on 6.1(22) IPO Manager 9.0.(36)

Any ideas.

Thanks in advance,

Post a monitor trace of an attempted call, including the first few lines after monitor connects (that shows what cards it can see) :)

Thanks amriddle!
Here we go, I think the cards are missing. One moment will try again! This was analogue to IP!

******* Warning: Logging to Screen Started **********
2044903mS CMCallEvt: 0.1016.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f54de020 TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
2044903mS CMCallEvt: 0.1016.0 -1 Extn209.-1: NEW CMExtnEndpoint f54de020, Name=Extn209, Extn=209, Phys Extn=209
2044903mS CMCallEvt: CREATE CALL:6 (f54e81cc)
2044903mS CMCallEvt: 0.1017.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f54e6db8 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=0
2044905mS CMExtnEvt: Extn209: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->1016 )
2044905mS CMExtnRx: v=209, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect Calling[209] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
2044905mS CMCallEvt: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSIdle->CMCSDialInitiated
2044906mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Dialling old=Idle,0,0,Extn209
2044906mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party= sub= calling=209 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
2044906mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: ADD TARGET (N): number= type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
2044907mS CMCallEvt: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialInitiated->CMCSDialling
2044907mS CMExtnTx: v=209, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
BChan: slot=2 chan=9
UUI type=Local [......2Pd.] [0x01 0xf7 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x32 0x50 0x64 0x00 ]
Timed: 01/11/12 16:38
2044908mS CD: CALL: 0.1016.0 BState=Idle Cut=1 Music=3.0 Aend="Extn209(209)" (2.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum= () CallingNum=209 (Extn209) Internal=1 Time=4 AState=DialInitiated
2044909mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D1
2045047mS RES: Thu 1/11/2012 16:38:58 FreeMem=70104264(1) CMMsg=5 (6) Buff=5200 960 999 7463 5 Links=8803
2045047mS RES2: IP 500 V2 6.1(22) Tasks=38 RTEngine=0 CMRTEngine=0 ExRTEngine=0 Timer=45 Poll=0 Ready=0 CMReady=0 CMQueue=0 VPNNQueue=0 Monitor=1 SSA=0 ASC=1 SYS=MNTD OPT=UMNT SDSPD=2034
2045069mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D0
2045229mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D1
2045389mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D0
2045549mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D1
2045709mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D0
2046509mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D1
2046669mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D0
2046829mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D1
2046989mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D0
2047149mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D1
2047309mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D0
2048026mS CMExtnRx: v=209, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[3] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
2048027mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 D0
2048202mS CMExtnRx: v=209, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[0] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
2048378mS CMExtnRx: v=209, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[0] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
2049378mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: TimerExpired cause=CMTCDelayedProcessing
2049378mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=300 sub= calling=209 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
2049378mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: ADD TARGET (N): number=300 type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
2049379mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: SET USER: Extn300 orig=1
2049379mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: ADD USER: Extn300 depth=2 disallow_cw=0 dnd=0 real_call=1 group_call=0 type(CMNTypeDefault) incl(0x0) excpt(0x0), allow_redir(1) remote=00000000
2049379mS CMMap: Mapper::AllocateCodec unable to allocate resource
2049379mS CMCallEvt: Cannot reserve a codec for Bend, aend is 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0
2049379mS CMTARGET: (null): ADD PRIMARY
2049380mS CMMap: Mapper::AllocateCodec unable to allocate resource
2049380mS CMCallEvt: Cannot reserve a codec for Bend, aend is 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0
2049380mS CMTARGET: (null): ADD PRIMARY
2049380mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: CancelTimer CMTCDialToneTimeout
2049380mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: NO INITIAL TARGETS: Extn300
2049380mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: ADD USER: Extn300 depth=1 disallow_cw=0 dnd=0 real_call=1 group_call=0 type(CMNTypeDefault) incl(0x40) excpt(0x40), allow_redir(1) remote=00000000
2049381mS CMMap: Mapper::AllocateCodec unable to allocate resource
2049381mS CMCallEvt: Cannot reserve a codec for Bend, aend is 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0
2049381mS CMTARGET: (null): ADD PRIMARY
2049381mS CMMap: Mapper::AllocateCodec unable to allocate resource
2049381mS CMCallEvt: Cannot reserve a codec for Bend, aend is 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0
2049381mS CMTARGET: (null): ADD PRIMARY
2049382mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: SELECT: TRY VOICEMAIL orig_hg() orig_user(300)
2049382mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: ADD VM TARGET
2049382mS CMTARGET: **** 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: MakeVoicemailTarget pbx=<null> local=1 type=3
2049383mS CMCallEvt: 0.1018.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f54e128c TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
2049383mS CMTARGET: 0.1018.0 6 RAS.0: ADD PRIMARY
2049383mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: ADD VM TARGET: SUCCEEDED
2049383mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: GetNoAnswerTimer:15
2049384mS CMCallEvt: 0.1017.0 6 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
2049384mS CMCallEvt: 0.1018.0 6 RAS.0: StateChange: END=T CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
2049385mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->1018 )
2049385mS CMExtnTx: v=RAS, p1=0
Line: type=RAS 1 Call: lid=0 id=1011 in=0
Called[#Extn300] Type=Voicemail (102) Reason=107 Calling[209] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
BChan: slot=21 chan=42
IE CMIECalledPartyName (224)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Extn300
IE CMIECallingPartyName (110)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Extn209
IE CMIEMohSourceId (247) MOH Source = 255
IE CMIEOriginalCalledPartyName (236)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Extn300
IE CMIEOriginalCalledPartyNumber (238)(P:100 S:100 T:101 N:100 R:2) number=300
IE CMIERedirectingPartyName (232)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Extn300
IE CMIERedirectingPartyNumber (234)(P:100 S:100 T:101 N:100 R:2) number=300
IE CMIERespondingPartyName (228)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Extn209
IE CMIERespondingPartyNumber (230)(P:100 S:100 T:101 N:100 R:4) number=209
IE CMIEDeviceDetail (231) LOCALE=deu HW=15 VER=6 class=CMDeviceStdPhone type=3 number=25 channel=0 rx_gain=32 tx_gain=32 ep_callid=1016 ipaddr= apps=0
Display [Extn209>Extn300]
Timed: 01/11/12 16:39
Locale: deu
2049385mS CMMap: a=21.42 b=1.254 T
2049387mS CD: CALL: 0.1016.0 BState=Idle Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="Extn209(209)" (2.9) Bend="Extn300(300)" [RAS] (0.0) CalledNum=300 (Extn300) CallingNum=209 (Extn209) Internal=1 Time=4484 AState=Dialling
2049388mS CMExtnTx: v=300, p1=0
Line: type=IPLine 250 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0
Called[Extn300 Msgs=0 Old=0 Sav=0] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect Calling[00000000] Type=Default Plan=Default
Display [Extn300 Msgs=0]
Timed: 01/11/12 16:39
2049389mS CMExtnRx: v=RAS, p1=0
Line: type=RAS 1 Call: lid=0 id=1011 in=0
2049389mS CMCallEvt: 0.1018.0 6 RAS.0: StateChange: END=T CMCSOffering->CMCSRinging
2049389mS CMExtnEvt: v=1011 State, new=Ringing old=Idle,0,0,RAS
2049389mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: CancelTimer CMTCNoAnswerTimeout
2049390mS CMCallEvt: 0.1017.0 6 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSOffering->CMCSRinging
2049390mS CMCallEvt: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialling->CMCSRingBack
2049390mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Alerting old=Dialling,0,0,Extn209
2049391mS CMExtnTx: v=209, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
BChan: slot=2 chan=9
IE CMIERespondingPartyNumber (230)(P:100 S:100 T:102 N:100 R:4) number=#Extn300
IE CMIEDeviceDetail (231) LOCALE=deu HW=15 VER=6 class=CMDeviceVoicemail type=0 number=0 channel=42 rx_gain=32 tx_gain=32 ep_callid=1018 ipaddr= apps=0
IE CMIERedirectingPartyName (232)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Extn300
IE CMIERedirectingPartyNumber (234)(P:100 S:100 T:101 N:100 R:2) number=300
Timed: 01/11/12 16:39
2049391mS CD: CALL: 0.1016.0 BState=Ringing Cut=1 Music=2.0 Aend="Extn209(209)" (2.9) Bend="Extn300(300)" [RAS] (0.0) CalledNum=300 (Extn300) CallingNum=209 (Extn209) Internal=1 Time=4488 AState=Ringing
2049392mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 R1
2052218mS CMExtnRx: v=209, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 3 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
2052219mS CMCallEvt: 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSRingBack->CMCSCompleted
2052219mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=PortRecoverDelay old=Alerting,0,0,Extn209
2052220mS CMLOGGING: CALL:2012/11/0116:38,00:00:00,002,209,O,300,300,Extn209,,,1,,""n/a,0
2052220mS CD: CALL: 0.1016.0 BState=Ringing Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="Extn209(209)" (2.9) Bend="Extn300(300)" [RAS] (0.0) CalledNum=300 (Extn300) CallingNum=209 (Extn209) Internal=1 Time=7317 AState=Idle
2052221mS CD: CALL: 0.1016.0 Deleted
2052221mS CMExtnEvt: Extn209: CALL LOST (CMCauseNormal)
2052221mS CMExtnEvt: Extn209: Extn(209) Calling Party Number(209) Type(CMNTypeInternal)
2052221mS CMExtnEvt: Extn209: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 1016->0 )
2052221mS CMCallEvt: 0.1016.0 -1 Extn209.-1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
2052222mS CMCallEvt: 0.1017.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f54e6db8 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=0
2052222mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CALL LOST (CMCauseNormal)
2052222mS CMCallEvt: 0.1018.0 -1 RAS.0: StateChange: END=X CMCSRinging->CMCSCompleted
2052222mS CMExtnEvt: v=1011 State, new=PortRecoverDelay old=Ringing,0,0,RAS
2052223mS CMExtnTx: v=RAS, p1=0
Line: type=RAS 1 Call: lid=0 id=1011 in=0
Called[#Extn300] Type=Voicemail (102) Reason=107 Calling[209] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BChan: slot=21 chan=42
Cause=16, Normal call clearing
2052223mS CMMap: a=21.42 b=0.0 T0
2052224mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 1018->0 )
2052224mS CMCallEvt: 0.1018.0 -1 RAS.-1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
2052224mS CMExtnEvt: v=1011 State, new=Idle old=PortRecoverDelay,0,0,RAS
2052224mS CMCallEvt: 0.1018.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f54e128c TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
2052225mS CMExtnTx: v=RAS, p1=0
Line: type=RAS 1 Call: lid=0 id=1011 in=0
BChan: slot=21 chan=42
Cause=16, Normal call clearing
2052225mS CMCallEvt: END CALL:6 (f54e81cc)
2052225mS CMTARGET: 0.1016.0 -1 BaseEP: ~CMTargetHandler f54e8abc ep f54de020
2052226mS CMCallEvt: 0.1016.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f54de020 TOTAL NOW=0 CALL_LIST=0
2052227mS CMExtnTx: v=300, p1=0
Line: type=IPLine 250 Call: lid=0 id=-1 in=0
Called[Extn300 Msgs=0 Old=0 Sav=0] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect Calling[00000000] Type=Default Plan=Default
Display [Extn300 Msgs=0]
Timed: 01/11/12 16:39
2052227mS CMMap: a=2.9 b=0.0 R0
2052547mS RES: Thu 1/11/2012 16:39:06 FreeMem=70127224(1) CMMsg=5 (6) Buff=5200 960 999 7463 5 Links=8807
2052547mS RES2: IP 500 V2 6.1(22) Tasks=38 RTEngine=0 CMRTEngine=0 ExRTEngine=0 Timer=44 Poll=0 Ready=1 CMReady=0 CMQueue=0 VPNNQueue=0 Monitor=1 SSA=0 ASC=1 SYS=MNTD OPT=UMNT SDSPD=2034
2052572mS H323Evt: Recv: RegistrationRequest; Endpoints registered: 2; Endpoints in registration: 0

********** Warning: Logging to Screen Stopped **********
And the cards! Is VCM missing?

********** Warning: TEXT Logging to File STOPPED on 1/11/2012 16:40:47 **********
2152992mS PRN: Monitor Started IP= IP 500 V2 6.1(22) 00E007069F0C
(IP Office: Supports Unicode, System Locale is deu)
2152992mS PRN: LAW=A PRI=0, BRI=0, ALOG=4, ADSL=0 VCOMP=10, MDM=0, WAN=0, MODU=0 LANM=0 CkSRC=0 VMAIL=1(VER=2 TYP=3) CALLS=0(TOT=6)
2157047mS RES: Thu 1/11/2012 16:40:50 FreeMem=70118876(1) CMMsg=5 (6) Buff=5200 960 999 7463 5 Links=8806
2157047mS RES2: IP 500 V2 6.1(22) Tasks=39 RTEngine=0 CMRTEngine=0 ExRTEngine=0 Timer=44 Poll=0 Ready=0 CMReady=0 CMQueue=0 VPNNQueue=0 Monitor=1 SSA=0 ASC=1 SYS=MNTD OPT=UMNT SDSPD=2034
2157192mS PRN: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2157192mS PRN: + loader: 1.32
2157192mS PRN: + cpu: id 12 board 4 pld 25 type c10 options ac02
2157192mS PRN: + cpu: sn 11WZ363003GT
2157192mS PRN: + fpga: id 1 issue 0 build 827
2157192mS PRN: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2157192mS PRN: ++++++++++++++++++++ LIST OF MODULES ++++++++++++++++++++
2157192mS PRN: +------------------------------------------------------------
2157193mS PRN: + Slot 1: Base COMBO6210 Board=0x00 PLD=0x04
2157193mS PRN: + Mezzanine ATM4 Board=0x03 PLD=0x07
2157193mS PRN: +------------------------------------------------------------
2157193mS PRN: + Slot 2: Base PHONE2 Board=0x01 PLD=0x03
2157193mS PRN: + Mezzanine NONE
2157193mS PRN: +------------------------------------------------------------
2157193mS PRN: + Slot 3: Base NONE
2157194mS PRN: + Mezzanine NONE
2157194mS PRN: +------------------------------------------------------------
2157194mS PRN: + Slot 4: Base NONE
2157194mS PRN: + Mezzanine NONE
2157194mS PRN: +------------------------------------------------------------
2157194mS PRN: +++++++++++++++++ END OF LIST OF MODULES +++++++++++++++
2157194mS PRN: +++++++++++++++++ LIST OF MEMORY CARDS ++++++++++++++++++
2157194mS PRN: +------------------------------------------------------------
2157194mS PRN: + System SD Card: MNTD
2157195mS PRN: + CID Register: 0x02544d534430344761b7d9c23300aad7
2157195mS PRN: + CSD Register: 0x400e00325b5900001d877f800a400051
2157195mS PRN: + SCR Register: 0x02b5800026028302
2157195mS PRN: + OCR Register: 0xc0ff8000
2157197mS PRN: + Status Register: 0x000000000200000002029004005a
2157197mS PRN: +------------------------------------------------------------
2157197mS PRN: + Optional SD Card: UMNT
2157197mS PRN: +------------------------------------------------------------
2157197mS PRN: ++++++++++++++ END OF LIST OF MEMORY CARDS +++++++++++++
2157197mS PRN: ++++++++++++++++++++ MEMORY CAPTURE +++++++++++++++++++++
2157197mS PRN: +------------------------------------------------------------
2157197mS PRN: + 0x00000007, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000014, 0x00000000
2157198mS PRN: + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000014, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
2157198mS PRN: + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000014, 0x00000000
2157198mS PRN: + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
2157198mS PRN: + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
2157198mS PRN: + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
2157198mS PRN: + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
2157198mS PRN: + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
2157198mS PRN: + 0x00000000, 0x5091a6b9, 0xa6f57c18, 0xbc61cb34, 0x61b7eb4d
2157199mS PRN: +------------------------------------------------------------
2157199mS PRN: +++++++++++++++++ END OF MEMORY CAPTURE ++++++++++++++++

********** Warning: Logging to Screen Stopped **********
It seems the VCM card is faulty, I asked for the first few lines to see if the system could see it, which it can:

2152992mS PRN: LAW=A PRI=0, BRI=0, ALOG=4, ADSL=0 VCOMP=10, MDM=0, WAN=0, MODU=0 LANM=0 CkSRC=0 VMAIL=1(VER=2 TYP=3) CALLS=0(TOT=6

Yet it doesn't seem to work:

2049381mS CMMap: Mapper::AllocateCodec unable to allocate resource
2049381mS CMCallEvt: Cannot reserve a codec for Bend, aend is 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0
2049381mS CMTARGET: (null): ADD PRIMARY
2049381mS CMMap: Mapper::AllocateCodec unable to allocate resource
2049381mS CMCallEvt: Cannot reserve a codec for Bend, aend is 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0

You may want to remove the card make sure the daughter board is fitted correctly and then re-insert the card, strange one :)

It shows 10 VCM channels but i also saw this:

2049381mS CMMap: Mapper::AllocateCodec unable to allocate resource
2049381mS CMCallEvt: Cannot reserve a codec for Bend, aend is 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0
2049381mS CMTARGET: (null): ADD PRIMARY
2049381mS CMMap: Mapper::AllocateCodec unable to allocate resource
2049381mS CMCallEvt: Cannot reserve a codec for Bend, aend is 0.1016.0 6 Extn209.0

So it looks like you arer trying to use a codec that is not set in the system or it is broken.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

Ok, thanks I will give it try. I already set back the IPO to default but this wasn´t working at all. Will keep you updated. Thank you very much for your support!
I don't think a missing licence/licence error would allow them to get this far, but do you have endpoint licences for those 2 IP phones? :)

It doesnt work. I´ll change the slot now and will see if this make any changes :-( Where to set the codec? Under extension it is set to automatic? Can I apply anywhere else changes?
Strange, I got it working with moving the combocard to slot three! Any suggestions what to do next? How can I default IPO500v2? Do I need to use serial cable as in the old days or is the reset button on the back working ok?
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