My career started with 3 year diploma for computer programming/ systems anaylsis. Through 5 career steps, always in the customer support field; from junior programmer to technical support supervisor...although always supporting packages written in "BASIC". Now at new crossroads. My computer language knowledge is outdated although the Pc's /windows /os/ networks have changed thus I stayed recent in this knowledge. I am considering going into the 'internet' world with use of cross-over skills...but where do I start. I do want to remain involved with the helping/resolving/figuring out problems aspect, and supervisor skills also, but do I need to have a new 'language' to get into the 'net' world?.. When people say Java or Hmtl, I don't know which is better or more global. Is E-business something I should look into, or where do I start. I read about free subscriptions to some PC mags, and I'll start that, but there's now some much info out there, how do I pick an area that will not be outdated, like the "Basic" coding language.